Coffee review

Italian limited edition coffee machine

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Italian company ESPRESSO VELOCE makes an Italian coffee machine with the V12 engine of the Grand Prix.

The Italian company ESPRESSO VELOCE has built an Italian coffee machine with the V12 engine of the Grand Prix. Just looking at the appearance of the V12 engine has been very shocking, and it can also make a strong Italian coffee. While this coffee machine is all made by Italian hands, made of titanium, aluminum and magnesium, it completely reveals the romantic atmosphere of men. If you are a single man, this ESPRESSO VELOCE V12 coffee machine Absolutely envied by the men of the world, there are 500 sets in the world, and there are relatively small V10 engine coffee machines in the same series.