Coffee review

Coffee basic knowledge 17 pieces of common sense about coffee

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, If you love coffee, you must know its charm very well. The following brings you more common sense about coffee, which I believe will make your love for coffee deeper. 1. The first thing to do when you get up is not to drink coffee. Your body secretes a substance called cortisol, which keeps your brain awake and your body energized. The content of cortisol in human body

If you love coffee, you must know its charm very well. The following brings you more common sense about coffee, which I believe will make your love for coffee deeper.

1. The first thing to do when you get up is not to drink coffee

Your body secretes a substance called cortisol, which keeps your brain awake and your body active. The amount of cortisol in the body changes according to the biological clock and reaches its highest level after you get up. So if you're used to drinking coffee as soon as you get up, the caffeine you consume will overlap with the cortisol in your body, and the refreshing effect of coffee will be less obvious.

two。 Drinking coffee doesn't dehydrate you.

Big news! People used to think that drinking coffee is diuretic, but science has proved that this is not true. Coffee won't keep you in the bathroom unless you drink too much (more than 500-600 milligrams or more than two cups a day). The study found that coffee did not significantly increase the body's urine output compared to non-caffeinated drinks. So the next time you drink coffee, you don't have to find the toilet in advance.

3. The first person in history to discover the magical effect of coffee is not the man, but the goat.

According to legend, a shepherd from Ethiopia discovered coffee for the first time in human history. But people often forget that the shepherd actually discovered this magical fruit only after high saw his goat eat coffee berries.

4. Drinking coffee is easy to live a long life

Coffee contains a variety of antioxidant elements, which can help the body resist the damage of free radicals. Coffee drinkers are much less likely to develop Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes and heart disease than the average person. But in real life, coffee drinkers are also prone to tobacco addiction, alcoholism and eating too much meat and other bad habits, so the above conclusions are drawn after excluding these negative factors, and its authority is beyond doubt.

5. Coffee is rich in many nutrients.

A regular cup of coffee contains 11% vitamin B2, 6% vitamin B5, 3% manganese and potassium, and 2% niacin and magnesium.

6. Drinking coffee helps to lose weight

Studies have shown that caffeine can increase the rate of fat burning. Coffee drinkers burn fat 3% more quickly than ordinary people. This is much better than the diet pills you bought online!

7. All the coffee producing areas in the world are on the "The Coffee Belt".

"Coffee belt" refers to all coffee producing areas suitable for coffee growth. As coffee has high requirements for sunshine and temperature, we think that the "coffee belt" is not only suitable for growing coffee, but also suitable for vacation!

8. Iced coffee is more expensive because it consumes more resources.

Why is iced coffee more expensive? It's simple, because it takes more resources to make iced coffee, for example, you need to filter coffee repeatedly to ensure that coffee is not over-diluted by ice, so it makes sense that its price is higher than hot coffee.

9. Caffeine is actually a crystal.

The caffeine we can't do without is actually a crystal only 0.0016 inches in diameter. The size is so small, but the refreshing effect is so obvious, it's amazing!

10. Coffee is actually a red berry.

See those red berries in the picture? Yes, that's what coffee looks like. Also, coffee grows on trees.

11. Caffeine will take effect immediately after drinking.

Caffeine will take effect within 10 minutes after you drink your coffee, so what are you waiting for? have a cup!

twelve。 Drinking coffee to prevent Alzheimer's disease

Studies have shown that coffee drinkers are 65% less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease.

13. Black Ivory (like shit coffee) is the most expensive coffee in the world, and it is made of shit

The most expensive coffee in the world comes from elephant droppings, so it is called elephant shit coffee and sells for $50 a cup. Another extremely expensive coffee is called Kopi Luwak (Kopi Luwak), which is also made from beans excreted by civets and sells for $160 a pound.

14. Drink coffee to protect the liver

People who drink four cups of coffee a day are 80% less likely to develop liver cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis is one of the leading causes of a variety of liver diseases.

15. The protagonist of the first online video is coffee.

In 1991, scientists from the University of Cambridge in England pointed a camera at their coffee pot, completing the first online video in human history. The purpose of this experiment is to monitor whether the coffee is ready or not. The above picture is taken from this video.

16. The British government closed down all the coffee shops because there were too many hipsters.

In 1675, King Charles II of England ordered the closure of all cafes because he suspected that many rebels had gathered against the government in power.

17. Coffee can help improve the effect of exercise

Caffeine can stimulate the production of adrenaline and accelerate the release of fatty acids in fat, thus improving your exercise performance.