Coffee review

Coffee creative product Transformers coffee table is beyond your imagination

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Xinhua News Agency, May 19, according to the US technology blog Gizmodo, Brooklyn designer Ian Stelt designed a creative coffee table that looks like a group of giant building blocks, but even if the designed lath is transformed from an acute triangle to an equilateral triangle, it will not collapse, making people feel quite mysterious. When I first saw this coffee table, I didn't realize that its shape could be changed.


Xinhua News Agency, May 19, according to the US technology blog Gizmodo, Brooklyn designer Ian Stehr designed a creative coffee table that looks like a group of giant building blocks, but the lath after "design" will not collapse even if it is transformed from an acute triangle to an equilateral triangle, which feels quite mysterious.


When I first saw this coffee table, I didn't realize that its shape could be changed. Until I saw someone gently push its frame, a "brand new" design appeared.


It has the shadow of Lincoln log building blocks, but also looks like Jacob's ladder, and it is indeed a perfect design using wood.