Coffee review

Thoughts on the sharp-eyed business war game in the cafe

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Last weekend's sharp-eyed business war game was an unprecedented success, false and real, true and false, playing a lot of competitive tricks. We have been trying to introduce a variety of activities into such an interesting platform as a cafe, and common sense deduces the way of coffee that belongs to Chinese young people. The chief and the two governments that give you happiness have distinct characteristics. The former is full of energy in macro-control, while the latter is full of energy.

Last weekend's sharp-eyed business war game was an unprecedented success, false and real, true and false, playing a lot of competitive tricks. We have been trying to introduce a variety of activities into such an interesting platform as a cafe, and common sense deduces the way of coffee that belongs to Chinese young people.

The sheikh and the two governments that give you happiness have distinctive characteristics. The former is full of energy in macro-control, while the latter prefers free competition. So that enterprises can develop their strengths and realize their great ideals. What's more, due to the participation of CIcircles authority and military elites, the connotation of the game has been qualitatively improved.

First, in the early stage of the game, the phenomenon of economic "Bad money drives out good" in the market competition environment is very obvious. In popular terms, people prefer to use "bad" money rather than "good" money, so "bad" money squeezes "good" money out of the circulation market. Most people have had the experience that when they have both new and old money in their wallets, they are willing to spend their old money to buy things and leave "new tickets". This reason is very simple, out of the preference for new money. A widely cited example is that at the end of the Republic of China, when the legal currency depreciated and prices soared, the folk began to use silver dollars and refused to accept bad coins. At this time, the government of the Republic of China forbade people to use silver dollars and then confiscated silver dollars to issue silver dollar coupons. But people did not accept silver dollar coupons as a result, many private institutions began to use rice as their salary, and social exchange degenerated into the era of barter. It can be seen that although the establishment of integrity requires the strong intervention of the government, but many irrational factors may still occupy a dominant position. Three feet of ice was not built in a day, and the process of breaking the ice can not be achieved overnight. In the first round of the sharp-eyed business game, due to the lack of trust between competitors and the lack of understanding of the government (industry authorities) formed by chiefs (sharp-eyed netizens), the serious lack of integrity led to enterprises fighting on their own, quite a bit of mahjong demeanor. In this situation, un is full of hope, determined to dominate the global software industry, with a large amount of cash (two chips) in exchange for an 18th century technology that needs reasons (sharp-eyed Q-group netizens)-Watt steam engine piston connecting rod processing technology. It is clear that Java's platform independence, though advanced, does not allow steam engines to compete with V12 engines. The foreshadowing of the fiasco in the first game has been laid.

Second, in the second round of the game, the government that gives you happiness (food pie netizens) to form a cabinet obviously favors the free market and is a practitioner of the free market economy theory advocated by Hayek. However, due to the brand and integrity gradually emerged in the first round of competition. The bloodier market struggle did not appear, but the complex and delicate relationship of competition and cooperation was born. A netizen surnamed Gu once commented: "the combination of the tradition of free market economy and American constitutionalism is not only a major feature of the contemporary American economy, but also an important reason for the success of the American economy. In order to give full play to the efficient operation of the market economy, the state must play the role of a judge to ensure fair and fair market transactions and maintain the order of the market economy. It is not that the country itself participates in the activities of the market economy and becomes its own boss. " I think this sentence is fully applicable in the second round of sharp-eyed business games.

Third, the limitations of the antitrust bill. The Antitrust Act is one of the important policy cards of the government in the sharp-eyed business war game. But it also shows its limitations in the process of the game. I think this is not the design flaw of the sharp-eyed business war game, but the real embodiment of the real economic field. Let's first take a look at the antitrust law in the United States. The antitrust law of the United States is an integral part of the federal and state legal system, which aims to protect consumers by ensuring that competition is not harmed by market monopolies.

The first federal antitrust law was the Sherman enacted in 1890.

Law, the law clearly stipulates that monopoly is illegal. At present, it is generally believed that the American traditional antitrust law is based on the empirical Harvard school S-C-P paradigm represented by Bain, which emphasizes that the market structure determines the strategic competitive behavior of enterprises, and the behavior of enterprises affects the performance of industrial organizations. The Harvard School believes that the improvement of market concentration will lead to the enhancement of the market dominance of enterprises, thus limiting market competition and bringing significant economic and social losses. Therefore, the antitrust policy mainly focuses on the prohibition of monopoly and excessive concentration of the market. All right, it's time to ask our questions. First of all, from the perspective of a series of antitrust laws that have been implemented or are being implemented in the past decade, there are many negative feedback from the market, and the good intentions of the government have not been reflected. Second, the antitrust bill is increasingly likely to become a "bureau" designed by people with ulterior motives, gaining additional benefits through means outside the judicial process, which is undoubtedly contrary to the original intention. Third, it is not wrong for large enterprises with excellent strength to gain market dominance, and the key to evaluate the monopoly structure is to find out how the dominant position of large enterprises is formed. Sometimes the legalization of monopoly profits can also stimulate enterprise innovation and promote industrial technological progress; fourth, it is necessary to tie the bell, and the task of "killing" monopolists ultimately requires other actors in the industry to come together. All these are well reflected in the sharp-eyed business war game.

Fourth, the compensation of managers in American enterprises includes performance-based salaries, financial data-based bonuses, stock options based on stock performance and retirement plans based on years of service. among them, the income from the exercise of stock option plans has increasingly become the main source of management compensation. According to statistics, stock options accounted for 36% of the salary structure of American listed companies CEO in 1998. The proportion is surprisingly high. The establishment of integrity makes more and more options trading and corporate bond trading in the sharp-eyed business war game, the market is a scene of prosperity.

Fifth, through the choice behavior of bounded rational individuals, the large-scale group dynamic game reflects extremely complex characteristics. Every player in the game carries out the choice behavior in the face of the semi-dark dynamic environment. As a player, how to establish an effective early warning mechanism is very attractive. Sharp Eye business war game can also reflect a lot, it is too dry to say, or let's play it together.