Coffee review

Coffee futures have risen nearly 70% this year, and international coffee giants have adjusted their prices one after another.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Asdak News Agency, June 9, the rare El Ni ñ o in years led to a continuous drought in Brazil, seriously affecting the production of raw coffee beans in the country. Since January this year, ICE Arabica coffee futures have risen nearly 70%.

Asdak News Agency, June 9, the rare El Ni ñ o in years led to a continuous drought in Brazil, seriously affecting the production of raw coffee beans in the country. Since January this year, ICE Arabica coffee futures have risen nearly 70%.

The food giant has been forced to raise the price of finished coffee, with NASDAQ:KRFT announcing on Saturday that it would raise retail prices for roasted and ground coffee by an average of 10 per cent.

J.M. Smucker Co (NYSE:SJM), the largest maker of bagged coffee in the US, also said last week that it had raised the prices of its products in the US market by an average of 9 per cent, including well-known brands such as Folgers and Dunkin "Donuts."

In China, A-share listed company 600572.SH, which is involved in the coffee business, produces three categories of coffee products, including instant coffee and coffee bean powder, with raw beans from Yunnan, according to its website.