Coffee review

Radiation ranking of household appliances: coffee machine with low radiation

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The radiation problem of household appliances is inevitable at home, because with the development of human beings, electrical appliances have become indispensable. If you can't hide, try to reduce your exposure, especially the radiation from computers and mobile phones. According to the working frequency of household appliances, it can be divided into ultra-low frequency, intermediate frequency and microwave band. Under the same working intensity, the higher the working frequency of household appliances, the radiation to the human body.

The radiation problem of household appliances is inevitable at home, because with the development of human beings, electrical appliances have become indispensable. If you can't hide, try to reduce your exposure, especially the radiation from computers and mobile phones. According to the working frequency of household appliances, it can be divided into ultra-low frequency, intermediate frequency and microwave band. Under the same working intensity, the higher the working frequency of household appliances is, the more obvious the radiation effect on human body is.

High radiation household appliances

Representative products: microwave ovens, cordless phones, vacuum cleaners

When the microwave oven is running, the radiation value from the main door 0cm to 65cm gradually decreases, and the radiation value from the main door 70cm has been zero, so consumers stand one meter away as far as possible when using the microwave oven, so that the harm caused by microwave radiation can be effectively avoided. When using a cordless phone, you should try to make a long call as short as possible and answer it after the phone is connected. Moreover, the metal glasses frame will obviously lead to the enhancement of the electromagnetic field and increase the radiation absorption rate of the user.

Medium radiation household appliances

Representative products: computer, mobile phone, electric blanket, induction cooker

Laptop radiation is concentrated on the top of the keyboard, it is best to use an external keyboard, in addition, to deal with computer radiation, you can also put a cup of water next to the computer; electric blanket close to the use of too long, will cause symptoms such as fatigue, limb pain, pregnant women and children are especially not suitable, so it is best to turn off the power supply before falling asleep after preheating. When not in use, be sure to turn off the power, because electrified appliances can still produce a lot of electromagnetic radiation.

Low radiation household appliances

Representative products: electric razor, flat screen TV, washing machine, iron, coffee maker, humidifier, hairdryer, air conditioner, rice cooker, blender, fluorescent lamp, refrigerator, etc.

Electric razors, hair dryers, these small household appliances that are in close contact with the human body and are often used, the shorter the use time, the better, for a long time, it is easy to feel dizzy; vacuum cleaners and humidifiers should be kept away from the body in use. The experimental results show that when keeping more than 70 cm with the vacuum cleaner and more than 1 meter with the humidifier, the amount of radiation received is the smallest; although the radiation of plasma TV is much less than that of traditional old TV, there are still some hidden dangers, so it is recommended that when watching TV, at least one meter away from the TV.

Radiation ranking of household appliances

Description: five stars, which are seriously exceeding the standard, should be taken seriously; more than three stars, which belong to the scope of exceeding the standard, should also be paid attention to; one star, which is safe, can be safely used.

1. LCD TV ★☆☆☆☆

two。 Plasma TV ★★★☆☆

3.CRT TV ★★★★☆ (radiation at the back is high, it is best to keep a distance while watching, especially for children)

4. Home theater ★★★☆☆ (try to use home theater less, if you want to sing, you'd better go to KTV)

5. Desktop computer ★★★★☆ (the rear and side radiation is relatively large, it is recommended not to open the chassis for the convenience of heat dissipation)

6. Subwoofer speaker ★★★★☆ (keep at least half a meter distance when in use)

7. Laptop ★☆☆☆☆ (radiation is concentrated above the keyboard and should be used at a distance from the power adapter)

8. Mobile phone ★★★★☆ (try to make a long story short)

9. Air conditioning ★☆☆☆☆

10. Induction cooker ★★★☆☆ (do not use for too long, but also keep a certain distance when using)

11. Microwave oven ★ (maximum radiation at the crack of the door, maximum radiation at startup, do not get too close when cooking)

twelve。 Refrigerator ★☆☆☆☆

13. ★★☆☆☆ of range hood (be careful not to stick too close when using it)

14. Electric kettle ★★☆☆☆ (best not to be used by children)

15. Hairdryer ★★★☆☆ (should be used away from children)

Source: according to the electromagnetic radiation testing data of household electrical appliances published by SAPIO in Japan.


Tips for reducing radiation

Do not put household appliances in a pile, let alone use them at the same time; turn off the power for appliances that are not in use, because electrified appliances can still produce a lot of electromagnetic radiation; wash your face and hands in time after watching computers and TV for a long time; eat more foods rich in vitamin A, C and protein, such as carrots, cabbage, tofu, milk, eggs, etc., especially kelp, can enhance the ability to resist electromagnetic radiation. Drink more tea, tea polyphenols in tea and other substances are conducive to radiation protection.