Coffee review

The choice of mocha pot-several people's mocha is suitable.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The component board of mocha pot ranges from one person to ten people, and there are mocha pots of all sizes on the market, which often bother consumers and do not know how big mocha pots to buy. Before choosing, try to understand how the manufacturer decides how many cups of coffee a mocha pot should brew. In other words, in the manufacturer's original design, how much coffee powder and how much water was used per person?


The component board of a mocha pot.

From one person to ten people, there are all kinds of mocha pots on the market, which often bother consumers and don't know how big mocha pots to buy.

Before choosing, try to understand how the manufacturer decides how many cups of coffee a mocha pot should brew. In other words, in the manufacturer's original design, how much coffee powder and how much water was used per person? In the case of a four-person coffee maker, the base can hold about 190cc, and the filter can hold 16g without filling. So, in the manufacturer's original design, the dose was about 40-45cc for one person and 4G for each person. Using the above data as a benchmark, if you really brew four cups of coffee in a mocha pot for four people, you can be sure that these four cups are all over-extracted coffee, because there is no way to extract a cup of coffee at a dose of 4g.

In addition to the above data, the weight reduction board is also a factor that must be taken into account-a round metal plate with many holes, usually matched with a mocha pot for more than four people. According to the manufacturer's design, when making a small amount of cooking for the larger mocha pot, place the board in the middle of the filter and put the coffee powder on the reduction board to achieve the effect of reduction.

Although the motivation of the design is purely to reduce the use of quantity, we find that it can also reduce the inherent disadvantage of the mocha pot, which is prone to scalding coffee, because it can create a clear space between the filter and the coffee powder. do not make steam and hot water directly burn coffee powder. Therefore, it is best to add this weight reduction board when brewing coffee. If you buy a mocha pot without a weight reduction board, you can buy it from a larger coffee appliance store.

If you are used to drinking stronger coffee, use a mocha pot for six people (about 12-14g) if you are used to drinking stronger coffee. However, if we consider leaving some space between the filter and the upper pot to expand the coffee powder and retain the aroma of the coffee, I think it is the best match to brew one person's coffee in a mocha pot for six people. the diameter of the base can also be sensed by the induction cooker, and an induction cooker that can easily adjust the firepower can be used as a heating tool.

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