Coffee review

American college students invented the RFID coffee cup

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [RFID RF KuaiBao, October 20, 2009] recently, Chris Hallberg, a graduate student at Marquette University in the United States, invented a RFID coffee cup that allows customers visiting cafes to pay for drinks without having to take out their wallets. This clever coffee cup is soldered with RFID tags. Coffee cup users can deposit their money in the chip by waving the next cup in front of the reader.

[RFID RF KuaiBao, October 20, 2009] recently, Chris Hallberg, a graduate student at Marquette University in the United States, invented a RFID coffee cup that allows customers visiting cafes to pay for drinks without having to take out their wallets.

This clever coffee cup is soldered with RFID tags. Coffee cup users can deposit their money in the chip and simply wave the cup in front of the reader to pay for the transaction.

Hallberg sold the invention to Stone Creek Coffee, a Milwaukee coffee chain, which plans to buy the cup for $15 next year and has $5 on the chip.

The RFID coffee cup system saves time and trees. This kind of coffee cup makes Stone Creek Coffee abandon paper cups and become more green.

Hallberg recently showed off the cup at a coffee trade show in Seattle, which is said to have aroused the interest of several chain stores.