Coffee review

Yau Shi Shi Japan's world famous brand coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Brand introduction: brand name: UCC belongs to the country: Japan UCC coffee is a world-famous brand coffee produced and sold by UCC Uajima Coffee Co., Ltd., which is based on coffee beans carefully cultivated and planted at a fixed point. After 80 years of painstaking study of coffee. In order to offer you a cup of delicious coffee anytime, anywhere, UCC Group has paid


Brand introduction:

Brand name: UCC

Country: Japan

UCC coffee is a world-famous brand coffee produced and sold by UCC Ujima Coffee Co., Ltd., which is based on coffee beans carefully cultivated and planted at fixed points.

After 80 years of painstaking study of coffee. In order to offer you a cup of delicious coffee anytime and anywhere, UCC Group has made all efforts. UCC Group, which has more than 50 companies at home and abroad, in addition to the core coffee business, but also actively enter the food field, in order to open up a wider market. At the same time, UCC also carries out comprehensive quality management activities and cultural activities, which is unique in coffee manufacturers all over the world. UCC Group will take UCC as the center to show its skills in more fields. In addition to providing a variety of coffee products to coffee shops and other restaurants, homes and offices, UCC also opens a variety of coffee shops with different styles. In short, UCC is committed to providing you with satisfactory service to add splendor to your life. It is the mission of UCC to provide you with really delicious coffee anytime and anywhere, and let more people feel the joy of a good cup of coffee. Shouldering this mission, as a coffee professional group, UCC will pour its blood into the coffee industry as always, improve its comprehensive competitiveness, take Japan as the starting point, build The Coffee Company in Asia and the world, and make Good Coffee Smile spread all over the world.

Quality assurance

In order to ensure that every cup of coffee is equally delicious and safe to drink, UCC has strict requirements on quality. UCC coffee has strict quality standards and is strictly checked at every stage from the farm to the finished product. UCC only uses coffee beans that have the certificate of origin of the country of origin and meet the UCC standard and the origin grade standard. Only raw materials that are strictly inspected by coffee appraiser Classificador before and after import can enter the factory. At the same time, the quality assurance room also checks whether there are pesticide residues, so as to thoroughly ensure safety. In the manufacturing phase, all factories have obtained ISO9001 international quality management system certification, and canned coffee factories have obtained HACCP certification, which can only be used for production if they are identified as safe raw materials under strict international standards. In addition, major factories have obtained ISO14001 international environmental management system certification, and each production line strives to meet the requirements of environmental protection. Through these complete quality management systems, UCC continues to provide you with high-quality, safe and delicious coffee.

Coffee plantation

UCC produces the world's top Blue Mountain Coffee in Jamaica, Kona Coffee with unique sour taste in Hawaii and Arabica Linton Manning Coffee, which is rare in Indonesia. Each farm is blessed and is extremely suitable for coffee growth. At the same time, UCC also uses advanced technology to take good care of these coffee seedlings. After ripening, the fruit is picked and carefully screened. From the producing area of raw coffee beans, the quality of raw coffee beans has been strictly controlled from the cultivation stage, which is the best way to continuously obtain fragrant, delicious and reassuring coffee. It is because of the cultivation of coffee beans and in-depth understanding of the entire manufacturing process that UCC is confident that it can provide customers with impeccable coffee. From the coffee farm to every cup of coffee you drink, we have a responsibility to ensure that its taste and quality are consistent. This is the foothold of UCC quality.