Coffee review

Coffee in a Coffee Shop

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Over the years, I have participated in many composition competitions about my Chinese dream in Shenzhen. I found that too many articles were written about 5,000 years ago. They were Tang Zong, Song Zu, Li Bai, Du Fu and Gong E. The words were beautiful and self-evident. The quotation of classics can be described as gorgeous blooming, but few works face the present China and imagine China 50 years later and China 100 years later. Children write mostly ancient


Over the years, I have participated in a number of composition competitions in Shenzhen about "my Chinese Dream". I found that too many articles are about five thousand years up and down. They are Tang Zong, Song Zu, Li Bai, du Fu, and Gong E. It goes without saying that the words are beautiful. According to the classics, the classics are in full bloom, but few works face the current China directly. Imagine China 50 years later and China 100 years later. Most of the children wrote about Chinese Dream of the ancients, not Chinese Dream of today; Chinese Dream of the past, not Chinese Dream of the future.

Why do we think of science fiction blockbusters and Star Wars when we think of the American Dream? when we mention Chinese Dream, our children always think of collections of ancient famous sentences? If a nation is obsessed with the past, what hope is there for this nation? I think there must be something wrong with our Chinese education.

In January this year, a young writer trying to write science fiction in Shenzhen and his father came to me, and we met in a coffee shop in the Central Book City. I read the children's works in advance, and I liked them very much. I asked the father to take his children to see some American science fiction movies during the winter vacation, and then explain them to me after the winter vacation. I told the child's father that today we sow a seed of science fiction and believe that in a few years' time, we will reap different surprises in the context of national innovation. The parent rushed to pay the fee that day, and I smiled and said, this is the consultation fee I charged.

Last year, I met Ms. Xue, a senior auditor of one of the world's top accounting firms. Returnees, undergraduate and graduate students all majored in mathematics. Because of her father's influence, she loved reading since childhood, and she shares her father's worries about children's love of "looking back" in reading and writing. After the introduction of Ms. Xue, I met her father, Mr. Xue, and her teacher, Mr. Ding Qingnian, one of the first five-star mentors of Ping an of China. On that day, Mr. Xue and Mr. Yodin met for the first time in a coffee shop in Qianhai. We talked for three hours. We talk about three problems that teenagers must solve in reading, the first is whether to read, the second is what to read, and the third is how to read. We are worried that many children do not read extracurricular books, and teenagers' reading tends to be as fragmented as adult reading. Mr. Ding believes that the reading promotion of teenagers should be combined with gratitude education, life education, financial intelligence education, career planning education, and so on. Mr. Xue believes that the focus of youth reading is to answer the major proposition of the genetic inheritance of national culture. I think the focus of youth reading needs to open up the channels of reading, writing and creativity.

If it were not for our concern for teenagers' reading, I think it would be very difficult for us who belong to different professions to meet in the same coffee shop. From an economic point of view, such an appointment seems to be a waste of time. But I know that in such an era, in such a city, many people still burn a warm flame in their hearts. On that day, we agreed in the coffee shop to launch a "Adolescent Reading and Writing Ten-year Action Plan", including campus reading promotion action, reading seed project and Shenzhen youth literature boutique project. Everyone who has the money to contribute money, a strong contribution, but it must be pure public welfare.

On "April 23" World Reading Day, with the selfless assistance of President Zhang Jian of Hongling Education Group and the technical support of Mr. Yin, a caring person, our reading website for primary and secondary school students was finally launched. We hope to use our modest efforts to let the children in Shenzhen know what reading is, what to read and how to read, so that they can pay more attention to the present and the future, and let them find meaning, value, insight and wisdom in reading.