Coffee review

Open up the blue ocean market in the fierce coffee market

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Now, as long as you turn on the TV or read the newspaper, or surf the Internet, you will inevitably see all kinds of advertisements about coffee coming. It is undeniable that after the cultivation of the market and the distribution of more than 20 years of reform, China's coffee consumption market is rising rapidly. Coffee brands represented by Starbucks and Shangdao have carried out carpet extravagance in the Chinese market.

Now, as long as you turn on the TV or read the newspaper, or surf the Internet, you will inevitably see all kinds of advertisements about coffee coming. It is undeniable that after the cultivation of the market and the distribution of more than 20 years of reform, China's coffee consumption market is rising rapidly. Coffee brands represented by Starbucks and Shangdao have carried out carpet extravagance and distribution in the Chinese market. While guiding the consumption habits of Chinese consumers, it has also achieved an absolutely active position in the Chinese market. In addition, coffee brands such as Xiang Cat, Auger, Yinong, New Island and Winnie Town are also carrying out horse racing enclosures to join the coffee market in order to get a piece of the fast-growing Chinese coffee market.

Among all the coffee brands that hold coffee to join and operate, Big Wedding Coffee can be said to be a latecomer. Although Big Wedding Coffee has been operating in the coffee market for more than ten years, it has been exported overseas in the early stage. The Big Wedding Coffee material was collected from Hainan, the hometown of Chinese coffee beans. Hainan coffee is grown in Fushan Town of Chengmai County and Xinglong overseas Chinese Farm of Wanning County. It is domesticated under the local conditions of Hainan and its smell is mellow and delicious. When Comrade Zhou Enlai inspected his work in Hainan, he drank Hainan coffee and praised it as a good product. The coffee technician of New York General Food Co., Ltd. came to Hainan to inspect coffee production, brought his own coffee tasting utensils, and made Hainan medium granule coffee by himself. After trying it, he thought that the taste was mellow, irritating, and more in line with the taste of the majority of users. it can be seen that Hainan coffee has formed its own unique flavor, won praise at home and abroad, and has won stable overseas orders.

Compared with the domestic market, Big Wedding Coffee has been unknown. In the face of China's rapidly rising coffee market, after market research, Big Wedding Coffee decided to transplant the management center to the Chinese market and speed up the pace of development in the Chinese market.

In the coffee joining market, the competition pattern of high, medium and low grade has been formed, and the coffee brands with investment of millions, hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands of joining fees have firmly established their foothold in the market, and the situation of competition is further intensified. As a newcomer, or even a coffee brand with no brand awareness, how can it stand out in the mature and competitive coffee market and develop its own blue ocean market?

After extensive and in-depth market research, Big Wedding Coffee glanced at the special social group of college graduates. As a vulnerable group in society, this social group has the following remarkable characteristics:

First, the quantity is huge, and the absolute quantity is very high

Second, the marginal groups in society, belonging to the vulnerable groups in society

Third, the economic foundation is weak, and some students even rely on loans to complete their studies.

Fourth, eager to change the current poor or economic difficulties, have a strong ambition and desire to change poverty.

At the same time, with the fierce competition in modern society, for college graduates, today, when graduation means unemployment, the employment problem of college students has been particularly heavy. According to Xinhuanet, the results of a survey on the current employment situation of the class of 2007 show that 44.83% of the students are confused about their employment prospects and have no confidence in their employment prospects, while 10.3% have no confidence in their employment prospects.