Coffee review

The coffee table that can convey feelings and feelings can quietly write down the words from the heart.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Most people use language to communicate with each other at the coffee table, but this designer brings us a more fresh way of text communication. The table in the picture is composed of nine small squares, each of which can be moved. Inside the square is a blackboard that can be written at will. You can express your feelings to her / him across the table through this small blackboard, if your mouth is clumsy or some are quite sex.

Most people use language to communicate with each other at the coffee table, but this designer brings us a more fresh way of text communication. The table in the picture is composed of nine small squares, each of which can be moved. Inside the square is a blackboard that can be written at will. You can express your feelings to her / him across the table through this small blackboard, if your mouth is clumsy or some words that are quite sexy. It's pretty good to use it for transmission. There is a dustproof brush in the desk to make it easy for you to update the information. It's very suitable for personal dating. Oh, . Come in and have a look at her.