Coffee review

Photography Theme Cafe Cafe Business Entrepreneurship Knowledge Sharing

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If you are holding hundreds of thousands of spare money to open a cafe, thinking about making money, then your mentality must be wrong, this guy who speaks with a vaguely discernible northeast accent, from the figure can not be seen as an extreme sports enthusiast. He chose to study in the United States when he was 17. After ten years in the United States, he became the former head of Apple China Online Store.

If you are holding hundreds of thousands of spare money to open a coffee shop and want to make money, then your mentality must be wrong. This guy who speaks with a vaguely discernible northeast accent is not a fan of extreme sports from his figure. He chose to study in the United States when he was 17 years old. During his ten years in the United States, he became the former head of Apple China Online Store, coinciding with the popularity of boutique coffee. Because of various coincidences, he opened fisheye coffee, focusing on LOMO photography and coffee.

Although he disdains to mix in circles, he is undoubtedly an expert in boutique coffee, so the store will adjust the proportion of all kinds of beans according to the seasons to show guests the taste that matches the seasons. In summer, you will drink coffee with sweet aromas of fruit and apple, while in autumn, you can drink coffee with wisteria, lavender flowers and green apple sugar, cherry and strawberry jam.

However, no one will work tirelessly for a good cup of coffee, looking around, and it is possible for foodies to find something good to eat. So fisheye attracts a lot of young artists and digital geeks by its location and LOMO photography. Although the coffee is good, what is more important is who you can meet. Someone went to this fisheye coffee and wrote: this fisheye coffee is very spacious and well-lit. In the afternoon, the sun is warm and isolated, and the noise or disturbance outside has nothing to do with the people in it. The long tables in the store can even organize not-so-small banquets and parties, invite friends to share a cheesecake, or occupy a corner with a mouthful of muffin, or huddle on the sofa and bite the end of the pen in a daze.
