Coffee review

The choice of coffee machine is very important to know the brand of coffee machine.

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, People apply the electronic technology to the coffee machine to realize the automatic control of the whole process of brewing coffee, such as grinding, pressing, loading, brewing, removing residue and so on. Coffee machine as a part of hotel catering investment, in order to get a good return, the choice of coffee machine is very important, the quality of coffee machine directly affects our economic benefits. Selection and purchase of hotel coffee machine 1.

People apply the electronic technology to the coffee machine to realize the automatic control of the whole process of brewing coffee, such as grinding, pressing, loading, brewing, removing residue and so on. Coffee machine as a part of hotel catering investment, in order to get a good return, the choice of coffee machine is very important, the quality of coffee machine directly affects our economic benefits.


Selection and purchase of hotel coffee machine

First, determine the type of coffee maker

From the point of view of operation and working mode, coffee machines are divided into semi-automatic coffee machines and fully automatic coffee machines, but at present, most of the coffee machine products on the market are fully automated; according to the way of use, coffee machines are divided into commercial coffee machines and household coffee machines. 80% of commercial coffee machines are Italian coffee machines and 80% of household coffee machines are American coffee machines.

△ semi-automatic coffee machine

Semi-automatic coffee machine, commonly known as handle machine, is a traditional Italian coffee machine. This kind of machine grinds, presses, loads, brews and removes the residue manually according to manual operation. These machines include small household machines with single faucets, large commercial machines with double faucets and three faucets, etc., and the newer machines are also equipped with electronic water control, which can accurately and automatically control the amount of coffee brewing.

This kind of machine is mainly produced in Italy and is very popular in Italy. Its main features are: simple machine structure, reliable work, easy maintenance, according to the correct method of use can produce high-quality Italian coffee. The drawback of this machine is also that operators have to be strictly trained to make high-quality coffee with this machine, and good baristas can provide customers with customized coffee.

△ automatic coffee machine

High-quality automatic coffee machines brew coffee according to the most scientific data and procedures, and they are all equipped with a perfect protection system, which is convenient to use and can be obtained with a click, and its convenience is better than that of traditional coffee machines.

The disadvantage of this kind of machine is that the structure is complicated, good maintenance is needed and the maintenance cost is high. However, the automatic coffee machine is more and more popular by customers because of its advantages such as convenience, rapidness, consistent quality, high efficiency and no training for operators.

General professional coffee shop, coffee bar, Italian traditional manual coffee machine is the first choice. Because in these places, trained professionals use traditional Italian coffee machines to instantly grind and brew coffee, which not only creates a strong coffee atmosphere, but also permeates the aroma of coffee in the air, so that guests can experience the unique charm of coffee. And hotel cafes, restaurants, bars, offices are more automatic coffee machine. Because of the large passenger flow and concentrated demand in these places, the selection of fully automatic coffee machine will fully show its advantages of convenience, speed and high quality, so that guests can enjoy constant quality coffee in time in the shortest possible time, and get physical and mental satisfaction.

Second, understand the brand of coffee machine

Production of professional coffee machine more well-known brands are mainly Jura, Delong and so on. Nowadays, the specifications of home coffee machines are all based on the prototype of Jura in Switzerland, and the prices of the products are more expensive, most of which are more than 10,000 yuan. Delong, which comes from Italy, is a common domestic coffee machine brand with a wide range of product prices, ranging from thousands of yuan to tens of thousands of yuan.

At present, the coffee machine brands we can see in the market are mainly Siemens, Electrolux, Panasonic and so on. These joint venture brands also have a long history, but the research and development focus of the brand is on large household appliances. Although there are not many professional coffee machine products, there are also higher-priced products, and the after-sales service of these brands in China is also more secure.

Third, avoid the purchase trap

At present, China's coffee machine market is still in a disorderly stage, and the market competition is very fierce. some foreign manufacturers have crammed foreign outdated models with unsalable technology into the Chinese market, and some domestic unscrupulous businessmen use household machines as commercial machines. confuse semi-automatic and full-automatic machines to make exorbitant profits and harm users. Some users spend a lot of money to buy either low-end cheap products or just a pile of industrial waste.

To buy a coffee machine, do market research, collect extensive data or consult a professional coffee dealer or company to determine the type of coffee maker you need: the next step is to choose a qualified supplier. Professional coffee machine suppliers not only have rich experience, can provide you with a variety of reference, help and the most reasonable price, but also have a good after-sales service system and adequate and timely supply of spare parts.

Extended reading

The misunderstanding of using coffee machine

The advantage of the American coffee maker is that it is convenient to make a large pot at a time. But its disadvantage is that the heat preservation time is too long, usually after more than 30 minutes, the coffee will begin to turn sour and bitter, no matter how good coffee can not stand a long time of heat preservation.

Many people turn off their phones in hot water for about 10 seconds, but before the coffee reaches the pot, you should wait 20 seconds to extend the time for the hot water to stay in the coffee powder, which can make the coffee more full-bodied.

Do not shake the fuselage in the process of brewing coffee to avoid hot water spilling. Take out the coffee pot after the hot water has flowed so as not to spill the hot water on your hands.

Don't let the coffee glass pot boil empty. in addition to unplugging, there must be liquid in the coffee pot.

Pay attention to whether the water tank is clean. If it is not clean, rinse with clean water and stand upside down to dry.