Coffee review

The alarm clock that makes coffee and wakes you up-The Barisieur

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee drinkers get up every morning to brew a cup, but lose an hour or two of sleep. If you are one of those people, you are blessed now. Today, I'm going to introduce you to an alarm clock that will make coffee and wake you up. This machine is not so much an alarm clock as a coffee timer. You can put it on your bed.

Coffee drinkers get up every morning to brew a cup, but lose an hour or two of sleep. If you are one of those people, you are blessed now.

Today, I introduce you to an alarm clock that will make coffee and wake you up-The Barisieur.


This machine is not so much an alarm clock as a coffee timer. You can put it on your nightstand. Every morning, as long as you set the time, it automatically induction heating boiled water. This coffee machine uses the method of distilling water. Small steel balls are placed in the boiling water bottle, and the water is boiled by heating these small steel balls. Then the boiling water bottle is sealed, and the water rises and flows through the pipe into the funnel containing coffee powder.




The Barisieur has a special box for storing coffee powder and coffee sugar. Every day, you can take out the right amount of coffee and put it into the leak to brew. The machine comes with a "coffee mate" storage bottle.

The Barisieur coffee alarm clock is adjustable brewing time, can be adjusted to suit their own time period. The coffee machine itself has the property of an alarm clock, which will wake you up every morning to make coffee.



With The Barisieur, it's not the hateful alarm clock that wakes you up every morning, but the mellow aroma of coffee, refreshing and refreshing, and saving you a lot of brewing time. Drink morning coffee, every day is no longer sleepy, but full of anticipation for the new day. Coffee lovers, are you a little excited to think about it? Hurry up and watch!
