Coffee review


Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Salvaged Ring is a coffee shop located next to Nha Trang country Road in Vietnam. The owner is a local carpenter who has accumulated a lot of leftovers after years of work. He hopes to give new life to these waste materials so that they will not be thrown away and forgotten. Under the support of this idea, the project came into being. Designed by A21 studio, a well-known studio in Vietnam, the coffee shop gives people a first look.

Salvaged Ring is a coffee shop located next to Nha Trang country Road in Vietnam. The owner is a local carpenter who has accumulated a lot of leftovers after years of work. He hopes to give new life to these waste materials so that they will not be thrown away and forgotten. Under the support of this idea, the project came into being.


Designed by well-known Vietnamese studio A21 studio, the cafe gives the first impression of an unusually curved thatched roof that extends down the road to the riverbank. The roof skillfully combines two different heights, softening the structure below. An exotic path leads guests from the outside to the inner courtyard outlined by the circular roof.




As we all know, the courtyard is the product of the cultural and climatic conditions in Vietnam. At the same time, the courtyard also acts as a space generator and climate regulator. In order to meet the needs of a variety of functional and ornamental landscapes, the project has created a distinctive courtyard structure-the cafe connected to the river provides a calm and peaceful atmosphere for indoor activities and allows people to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the outer streets. It is worth mentioning that this structure also helps to obtain solar energy and enhance natural ventilation, which is very consistent with the climatic characteristics of Viet Nam. However, due to the excessive use of the courtyard will increase the heat and light, which brings inconvenience to people, so the designer uses the interior garden, roof materials and ingenious layout of doors and windows to solve this problem effectively.



Scrap materials of different sizes and shapes have been reprocessed and adjusted to meet the needs of new functions. Small-size materials are used to make blinds at the entrance, which not only blocks heat and noise from the road, but also a decorative pattern that pulls people's minds back to the old wooden doors that existed many years ago. The main structure of the coffee shop is made of large-size wood using traditional mortise and tenon techniques. To put it simply, every piece of wood is used in any possible way to avoid cutting down new trees. In addition, in addition to wood, stones, local palms and natural plants also make this "saved ring" full of harmony and local flavor.