Coffee review

How does Entrepreneurship Coffee boil with Sichuan flavor

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Sichuan's first start-up coffee business has quietly left the market in less than two years, causing people in the industry to think about its business model.

It caused a sensation in the start-up industry when it made its debut, and quietly left-- the first start-up coffee shop in Sichuan, which opened in July 2012-- started up as a start-up coffee shop, operated for less than two years, and quietly exited. Industry insiders believe that as a communication platform for entrepreneurs, local start-up coffee operators need to have the ability to integrate resources; they must find a suitable business model, need to have their own characteristics, and need to meet the needs of local entrepreneurs and investors.

The bitter exit injury of "getting up on the wing" is due to the lack of resource integration ability.

On June 12, the reporter saw in the Chengdu High-tech Zone Software Park that the newly decorated Love Sugar Cafe has replaced the Wingqi Entrepreneurship Caf é. Although it continues to provide communication and office platforms for entrepreneurs, it is no longer deliberately setting off the "entrepreneurial" attribute. "when the Wingqi Entrepreneurship Cafe came out, it was a hot time for domestic entrepreneurial theme coffee." Wang Jialun, founder of IT Tea House, a well-known online entrepreneurial community in Sichuan, clearly remembers the popularity of entrepreneurial-themed coffee at that time. With the mobile Internet boom at that time, including Beijing Garage Coffee, 3W Coffee and Hangzhou Beta Coffee became popular throughout the country.

As the fourth city of IT, start-up cafes such as Wingqi Venture Cafe, inspiration Coffee, Mu Coffee and platform 8 appeared in Chengdu in 2012, mostly concentrated in Chengdu Tianfu Software Park; there are also 1716 start-up coffee in Mianyang to provide communication platform and temporary office space for mobile Internet entrepreneurs and investors. "the departure of 'wing up' is accidental, but it is also inevitable." A person who once participated in the "wing up" operation believes that it is the lack of an effective business model. The monthly rent, labor and other costs may be more than 100000 yuan, and the coffee is priced by about 100 cups a day, and the low price makes it impossible to earn back the cost.

Money is only one aspect, and the lack of ability to integrate the resources of investors and entrepreneurs is seen by the industry as a fatal injury to this coffee shop. "I didn't run all the way over there for coffee." Zhou Qiang, chairman of Chengdu Warret Medical equipment Company, also went to the Wingqi start-up Cafe in the early days of his business. "We wanted to find money, but we felt a little disappointed after going there a few times, so we didn't want to go there."

At present, the domestic influential garage coffee, 3W coffee and so on, the investor is well-known and has a strong ability to integrate resources. For example, 3W Coffee, whose investors include Tencent Zeng Liqing, Sequoia Capital, Shen Nanpeng and senior executives of Baidu, Sina, Alibaba and other companies, can net the resources of the investment circle and the Internet. These are exactly what local start-up cafes, including Wingqi start-up Cafe, lack. In addition, some investors are no longer willing to participate in the operation of cafes because of strategic adjustment.

"We didn't put the word Entrepreneurship in the name of the store, but it will still be a startup-themed coffee shop." Tong Jing, manager of Love Sugar Coffee, said she is currently recruiting a start-up team. However, the reporter saw at the scene that the most conspicuous advertisement in the store was a large advertisement for the World Cup event, and the projector in the office area had been debugged to broadcast the World Cup match.

Government support and professional operation can relieve the pressure of operation.

The problems encountered by many entrepreneurial cafes have also been encountered by many entrepreneurial cafes. "four or five companies across the country have been in transition or closed down." Dong Jianqiang, founder of China Entrepreneurship Coffee Alliance, revealed to reporters. He counted nearly 50 start-up cafes, of which no more than 10% were profitable. In Dong Jianqiang's view, simply copying the garage and 3W is likely to fail, and it must be managed according to the characteristics and needs of local entrepreneurs and investors.

Sichuan start-up coffee how to "brew" more Sichuan flavor? All kinds of entrepreneurial coffee are exploring.

Also in Tianfu Software Park, inspiration Coffee is very popular. At noon on June 11, the reporter saw that nearly 20 log-colored tables in the house were full of people. Unlike the strong office atmosphere of Beijing garage coffee with a power cord hanging over each table, it is more casual, with entrepreneurial teams holding meetings in a circle and office workers flipping through fashion magazines. "about 30% of customers are entrepreneurs." Shi Shujian, who is involved in the operation of inspired coffee, told reporters.

A cup of coffee with a minimum of 5 yuan is obviously difficult to cover the cost, but inspired Coffee uses a government-supported and professional operation model to resolve the operating pressure. The site is provided by the software park with no rent cost, and the software park also gives a small amount of subsidy to make the operator basically break even. Do not make money but are willing to do it, the person in charge of the operator said, focusing on potential benefits such as raising one's own popularity. The unique atmosphere created by professional operation makes inspiration Coffee the "second office" for entrepreneurs and office workers in the software park, which is also welcomed by the software park.

Although the No. 8 platform on Consulate Road is also classified as entrepreneurial coffee by the industry, it is more like a pure public welfare platform built by the government. As for coffee, it has become a dispensable embellishment. "the government pays salaries for staff, we do entrepreneurial training for college students, and we also provide office space for early entrepreneurial teams." Chen Yu, founder of the 8th platform, told reporters. "value the incubation of the project, not the short-term benefits."

The fledgling Mu Coffee operates entirely on the basis of marketization. "for 500 square meters of space, the monthly rent is about 50,000. To survive, we have to manage not only coffee, but also various activities and gather all kinds of resources. " Chengdu Qianli Network Liu Yanding is the owner of this coffee shop. "here is close to Tianfu Xingu, and there are nearly 10,000 mobile Internet workers. We are highly sensitive to entrepreneurial hotspots in areas such as mobile Internet, mobile games and Beidou navigation, and timely organize entrepreneurs and investors to dock. " According to the promotion sheet, a top-level entrepreneurial dialogue will be held in Mu Coffee on June 20, and participants will have to pay a registration fee.

Undertaking and organizing various activities is an important source of income for eye coffee. Liu Yanding also locked the consumer population in the surrounding households. "I hope that entrepreneurs will think of eye coffee when they are looking for a place to communicate. I also hope that the residents around us will fall in love with the delicacy of our coffee and expand the consumer population."

Business model determines the success or failure of start-up coffee

Business model is the key to the success or failure of start-up coffee. I think not all the 3W, garage can be considered successful, as long as it can serve the entrepreneurial and venture capital people, entrepreneurial coffee can be presented in a variety of ways.