Coffee review

TAYOHYA Hydrangea Green Flower Coffee Tableware

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Bone china intuitive feeling is: white as jade, bright as mirror, sound as qing, thin as paper. That is to say: the color is as warm as jade, the light is as bright as a mirror, the sound is as clear as a bell, and the thickness is as slight as paper.

The intuitive feeling of bone porcelain is as white as jade, as bright as a mirror, as loud as chime, and as thin as paper. In other words: the color is as warm as jade, the light is as bright as a mirror, the sound is as crisp as a bell, and the thickness is as thin as paper. In the light, bone porcelain can also show a soft milky white, and has a strong transparency. The reason for this aesthetic feeling is that ordinary porcelain embryos are mixed with bone powder from animals such as cattle. Bone porcelain has been rapidly favored by the middle class, elites and aristocrats since it was invented by the British in 1794. At present, bone porcelain is no longer a new thing. What is so remarkable about bone porcelain in various houses?

Bone powder content: according to international standards, the bone powder content of more than 35% is the real bone porcelain, and the bone powder content of various houses is at least 40%. However, at present, the domestic bone porcelain market is mixed, as long as it contains a small amount of bone powder, they all claim to be bone porcelain, which actually misleads the public.

The quality of bone porcelain: the production of bone porcelain is quite complex, from the pre-production of embryo body, to glaze spraying, to firing, then to decal, then to re-firing, and finally to the selection of qualified products, it takes 73 small processes to be completed. therefore, no manufacturer's qualified rate can reach 100%, and the highest level of technology is no more than 60%. Other unqualified products are brought into the market, inferior quality, harming the interests of consumers. On the other hand, all kinds of house bone porcelain insist on selling only first-class products, and other defective products are not "discarded".

Bone porcelain design: multi-house bone porcelain products are self-developed, embody the domestic first-class design concept and level, and dedicate the most novel and fashionable bone porcelain products to thousands of families in pursuit of quality.

Packaging of bone porcelain: the packaging of any bone porcelain goods in Duowu is very exquisite, and it is suitable to give gifts for your own use.