Coffee review

Ingenious design of coffee cup lid design of coffee cup lid that can put sugar and milk

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Josh Harris with creativity to design a very practical coffee cup lid, do not underestimate this small change, but can be more convenient to drink coffee life, the cup lid has been designed to put sugar and cheese bottle position, very user-friendly design, but for everyone to worry a lot. Compared with the ordinary one: it is different on the lid, on the lid of this coffee cup

Josh Harris with creativity to design a very practical coffee cup lid, do not underestimate this small change, but can be more convenient to drink coffee life, the cup lid has been designed to put sugar and cheese bottle position, very user-friendly design, but for everyone to worry a lot.

Compared with the ordinary one: unlike the lid, there are many grooves on the lid of this coffee cup, so that we can put milkshakes, sugar bags and salt bags safely into these grooves, so that you only need to hold the coffee cup with one hand. Coffee and seasonings can be easily brought to the table without having to hold them with the other hand.