Coffee review

How do the conditions of coffee joining test a coffee shop joining a brand?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Many people ask us how to test a coffee shop to join a brand? Here we would like to say that it depends on your personal will and financial strength. Although the cost of big brands is unacceptable to many people, there are still some domestic brands that can do such a small-scale coffee shop. The area is generally required to be about 100 square meters, and the overall investment is not large. It is very suitable for those whose funds are not very abundant.

Many people ask us how to test a coffee shop to join a brand? Here we would like to say that it depends on your personal will and financial strength. Although the cost of big brands is unacceptable to many people, there are still some domestic brands that can do such a small-scale coffee shop. The area is generally required to be about 100 square meters, and the overall investment is not large. It is very suitable for investors who are not well-funded. Speaking of which, I would like to remind you that there are many companies joining under the banner of coffee shops with very low fees, even only a few thousand yuan. What support can such a low fee give you? This is conceivable, and most of the fees you pay have been put into the pockets of these companies, so you are advised to beware of being fooled!

Competitive chain brands have a good future, so they naturally have high requirements for joining. However, we should understand that brands with more stringent joining conditions often have a more complete joining system and stronger financial resources and strength, but are more capable of ensuring the profits of the franchisees. Because of this, the more reputable chain enterprises are, the more stringent they will be when selecting franchisees.

It is best to be able to face-to-face with the chain headquarters. Now there are many chain enterprises, coupled with the considerable profits of franchise stores a few years ago, which makes some emerging chain enterprises and franchisees more impetuous. Some entrepreneurs are eager to start a business, and only listen to some promotional materials of chain enterprises and hastily sign up to join. Only when there is a dispute do they find that the chain headquarters is smaller than their own storefront, or even an empty shell. They simply do not have the ability and experience to solve store problems. Therefore, it is very necessary to personally visit the headquarters and its franchise store and collect first-hand on-site information.