Coffee review

Toilet coffee cup toilet shaped coffee cup creative design of coffee cup

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Of course, the toilet coffee cup is in the shape of the toilet. in addition to being used as a cup, it can also be used as a flowerpot and a dog pot. well, of course, the most suitable for it is a cup of steaming coffee, white ceramic against brown coffee, er, those who can drink them without changing color should be awarded the order of the Warrior. in addition, it is not clear that the toilet tank is only decorative, or there are specific functions in it.

Of course, the "toilet" coffee cup is in the shape of a toilet. in addition to being used as a cup, it can also be used as a flowerpot and a dog pot-well, of course, the most suitable for it is a cup of steaming coffee, white ceramic against brown coffee, er, those who can drink them without changing color should be awarded the Medal of Warriors. In addition, it is not clear whether the toilet tank is decorative or has specific functions, such as a jar for sugar cubes, and if it is the latter, it would be even better for $15.98 each.

Of the six uses of the "toilet" coffee cup, it must be admitted that the third is quite romantic, while the fifth. Warrior, cheers...