Coffee review

The Immerset coffee maker is similar to the smart cup Clever Cup

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, Immerset is very similar to the Clever cup designed and produced by Taiwan's EK Intl company, except for the structure at the bottom. At the bottom of the Clever Cup is a vertical piston rod. When it is picked up, the piston rod falls naturally under the force of gravity, and the silica gel on the rod blocks the dripping filter orifice. When the Clever Cup is placed on the cup, the piston rod is pushed up on the cup mouth, and the silicone gel is also removed from the

Immerset is very similar to the Clever cup designed and produced by Taiwan's EK Int'l company, except for the structure at the bottom. The bottom of the Clever Cup is a vertical piston rod. When it is picked up, the piston rod falls naturally under the force of gravity, and the silicone on the rod blocks the dripping filter. When the Clever Cup is placed on the cup, the cup mouth will top the piston rod, and the silicone gel will move away from the dripping filter, and the coffee liquid will drip down. There is a lever switch at the bottom of the Immerset to control the opening and closing of the drip filter.

Immerset 咖啡冲泡器 类似聪明杯Clever Cup

Immerset 咖啡冲泡器 类似聪明杯Clever Cup

Immerset 咖啡冲泡器 类似聪明杯Clever Cup