Coffee review

Environmentally friendly disposable coffee cup packaging Coffree disposable coffee cup packaging

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffree disposable coffee cup packaging. The beauty of this design lies in its packaging, which is not only the outer packaging of coffee, but also a mixture of cups, packaging and disposable cups. Tear open the opening in the package, you can make coffee, drink it and throw it directly into the dustbin. The cup is made of biodegradable material and will not damage the environment. Design: Young-an Seok, Young-woo


Coffree disposable coffee cup packaging. The beauty of this design lies in its packaging, which is not only the outer packaging of coffee, but also a mixture of cups, packaging and disposable cups. Tear open the opening in the package, you can make coffee, drink it and throw it directly into the dustbin. The cup is made of biodegradable material and will not damage the environment. Design: Young-an Seok, Young-woo Choi & Se-ryung Nam.