Coffee review

Company white-collar workers give up their jobs to open cafes, home shops and homestays, just to make life more interesting

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, I have never thought of success as doing what I like to see people I like to say what I want to say. An interesting life. Zi Yue and Joseph used to be serious office workers in high-end office buildings. They worked hard for many years and achieved little success. A few years ago, they resigned from their jobs and rented a dilapidated courtyard in Caochang Village outside Beijing's Fifth Ring Road to open their own dream cafe. two

I never think much of success.

Do what you like.

Meet the person you like

Say what you want to say.

Live an interesting life.





Ziyue and Joseph used to be serious office workers in high-end office buildings, and they have made small achievements in their efforts for many years. A few years ago, they quit their jobs and rented a dilapidated courtyard to open a dream cafe in a grassy village outside Beijing's Fifth Ring Road.

Two laymen restore their dream way of life from scratch. Ziyue seriously learned to make coffee and tested the barista, from choosing beans to baking beans to making an aftertaste cup of coffee, experimenting with every detail himself, while Joseph devoted himself to the space design, transforming the large warehouse into a tall space with a meticulous fusion of industrial style and color. Outside the spacious cafe, there is room in the warehouse, and the couple easily put their hobbies in. Opened a second-hand furniture store and a clothing studio. Not long ago, several vacant houses were converted into artistic accommodation.

For more than two years, the originally remote hidden world shop has become a fixed place sought after by many people. Neither of them has much ambition, they just follow their inner description of their dreams, and each store is an extension of their original life.

'i 've never thought much about my career, and I've never thought much about success, 'Ms. Ziyue said. It is most important to go your own way, maintain your own rhythm and live with a clear conscience.




A few years ago, when it came to the ideal life, the picture in my mind was in a big house full of sunshine, listening to my favorite music and smelling the strong smell of coffee while doing my favorite job. For this haunting picture, we opened the A+ Cafe two years ago.




The reason for choosing the site is not for commercial purposes. I have always felt that being able to transform the warehouse into my own home is definitely on the list of life's dreams. At that time, I hoped that there would be such a space, an empty prototype. We can freely transform it into whatever we want in our hearts.

Named as A + Cafe, it refers to the score of 9700,100 in all subjects, which is difficult and impractical. After all, this is not a test with standard answers. Therefore, our standard for cafes is that the average score is above 97, and A+ is our standard.



Industrial style has an inevitable sense of metal heaviness, so Joseph specially introduced Tolix chairs, the landmark brand of industrial aesthetics, from France. With the classic industrial design and the overall style of space, the colored Tolix chairs can enrich the color of space and play down the heaviness of industrial style.

In our view, the ideal cafe is not only emotional connection, but also industrial style solid texture, but also no lack of life color, in order to create such an A+ coffee shop, Joseph studies design knowledge very hard. During the construction phase, he worked with the workers himself, only to make the bookshelves and tables in his mind and to adjust the most satisfactory paint color.


This is my favorite time of day in the morning. Look at the sun moving from the wall to the ground a little bit, not strong, very warm. Music is with light and shadow, and you can feel peace of mind.


Walk into the courtyard every day, the strong aroma of coffee comes to the nostrils, take a deep breath, every day that moment, I have to feel again, this is the life I want.


Now, I sit in the cafe every day to watch the guests, as if I can see a lot of stories, people are like this, step by step through the years. In the end, what is rich is the memories one by one.

Every noon a group of guests come through the door one after another, you will see a variety of different faces and looks, familiar faces come directly to look for their old seats, drink fixed hands to make coffee; strange faces come in and look around first, then find seats to sit down; those who take out their mobile phones and take pictures directly in each direction must have heard of this place or friends have come here and come here specially. If you say two bowls of beef noodles directly to the waiter before you sit down, you must be accustomed to eating and drinking while secretly peering at you.

It's fun to open a coffee shop, and when you put your balance of payments second, you have the time and mood to observe all kinds of stories that happen in the cafe. In the past, I liked to do my own things in other people's cafes, saw different people during the break, and occasionally heard other people's stories. Now in my own cafe, in my spare time, I will find a quiet corner and try to find the feeling at that time.


△ now has a "good friend" who worked for 10 years on the bookshelf of the cafe.



Another space of △ A+ carries Ziyue's 5-year memory of doing an online store.

Those antique furniture come across the sea to accompany you for a cup of coffee.

Joseph is a second-hand furniture enthusiast, the furniture store is full of old furniture with industrial style collected from his trip to Europe, old French iron pupil seats, mailboxes in front of apartment buildings, director lights, theater-style tandem seats, and so on. These authentic antique furniture are randomly placed in cafes and residential spaces for people's daily use.

At night, the director's light at the entrance of the cafe will light up softly and light up the space. The old explosion-proof lights received from Taiwan shipyards and the chandeliers from French factories all serve as the finishing touch to the industrial style of A + Cafe.







It took three days for △ JOSEPH to tear down and tear down a wall to form this seemingly simple but thoughtful effect.


△ took care of several vacant rooms for residential accommodation at a low price, using antique furniture collected by Joseph.

Everyone says that everyone has a dream of opening a coffee shop. But the truth is, not everyone can make this dream come true. Some things just need to be done right away without leaving yourself any regrets. When I am still energetic and have the ability to learn, try a different life. After coming out of the company, I went to Taiwan to take a lot of lessons, cloth art, oil painting, barista, Japanese color matching division. People should continue to learn and grow.

Nowadays everyone is so eager to prove themselves to others that they finally forget what kind of person they want to be. It's better to settle down, do what you like, meet the people you want to see, and say what you want to say. Don't be what others want you to be, but be what you want to be.


People always ask me.

It's very competitive to open a coffee shop, isn't it?

Actually, there is no competition.

Just bowing your head and doing your own thing.


Source: network