Coffee review

Guangzhou Middle School School opens a shop to sell coffee more creative.

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, The student clerk showed the creative products in the store to the reporter. Guangzhou Daily News (photographed by reporters Liu Xiaoxing and Liao Jingwen correspondent Cai Ruihong) more than 20 middle school students spent more than a year messing with a cultural company, opened a cafe in the school, and sold cultural and creative products. More than 1000 yuan was earned on the first day of trial operation. A few days ago, the first one in Guangzhou was run by middle school students.


Student shop assistants show reporters creative products in the store.

Guangzhou Daily News

(Reporter Liu Xiaoxing, Liao Jingwen correspondent Cai Ruihong photo report) More than 20 middle school students, with more than a year of time, set up a cultural company, opened a cafe in the school, but also sold cultural creative products, trial business on the first day of more than 1000 yuan into the account. A few days ago, Guangzhou's first cultural company operated by middle school students officially opened. Except for the office space and decoration invested by the school, the rest are sponsored or invested by the students themselves, and they are responsible for their own profits and losses.

Under the orange light, the aroma of coffee wafted around. In the display case, there were hand-painted coffee cups, badges, postcards and notebooks, both commodities and exhibits. This "attached time" cafe, which opened on the campus of the attached middle school, is the first cultural company run by middle school students in Guangzhou. According to Li Wei, the person in charge of the company and Class 2 (3) of the school, the company has financial department, marketing department and personnel department, with 24 members. The idea of establishing the company comes from the cadres of the external relations department of the student union. They designed the company logo, and took over the school "the first class clothing creative design competition", found a suitable manufacturer, at a lower price to the school more than 30 classes on the innovative ideas of class clothing into ready-to-wear display. In the two large-scale events that followed, DJ Competition and Love Carnival, student culture companies set up booths selling newly designed school uniform keychains and postcards. In addition, the students pulled in 10,000 yuan in sponsorship by handing out flyers for a company on campus. The combination of initial profits and sponsorship accumulated a financial base for the opening of the cafe. The school is also very supportive of this, vacating the original school history room, according to the students 'own drawing of the design, funded for hard decoration.

"Let the students open companies and coffee shops. In fact, I refused at first." Huang Cuiwan, vice principal of the affiliated middle school, said with a smile that the school's initial idea was to create a "student service position" managed by students themselves, but students felt it was too creative. They repeatedly "grind" Cai Ruihong, secretary of the school Youth League Committee, hoping that she can get the school to agree to set up a company. After much consideration, the school agreed to build a glass house in the garden next to the playground, just like a shopping mall, to display students 'creative works. However, Li Wei and others are still not satisfied. They conducted a market survey throughout the school and found that students prefer coffee shops and chat and read books in a warm and relaxed environment. Li Wei and the others took this market research and found Cai Ruihong again. Only then did they finalize the plan for the coffee house. "The students are really good at 'grinding.' But in the process, I see that they have ideas, communication skills, and tenacity to achieve their goals. For such young people, we must fully support them." Huang Cuiwan said.

Source of this article: Dayang. com-Guangzhou Daily