Coffee review

Coffee Express Coffee Cup Nice coffee cup

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Joseph Cambell, in collaboration with Wharton Business School, designed this Coffee Express coffee cup to make coffee on the go. It is a rechargeable battery wrapped around a standard French press, providing current to heat the heating element at the bottom of the French press, brewing two cups of coffee at a time, with digital display of brewing time and temperature. It costs about $30.

This Coffee Express coffee cup, designed by Joseph Cambell in collaboration with Wharton Business School, allows you to make coffee at any time during your trip. It is a rechargeable battery on the outer package of a standard kettle, which provides an electric current to heat the heating element at the bottom of the kettle. It can make two cups of coffee at a time, with a digital display of the time and temperature of brewing coffee. The price is about $30.