Coffee review

Introduction of boutique Coffee of Aiju Group introduction of the latest culture of Aiju Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Yunnan Aili Group was established in 2006 in Pu'er, the coffee capital of China, involving three major industries of coffee, catering and animal husbandry. By Yunnan Aili Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (Group) Co., Ltd., Xishuangbanna Lanshan Coffee planting Co., Ltd., Ai'er Manor Coffee (Pu'er) Co., Ltd., Pu'er Sanglaite Coffee Co., Ltd., Starbucks Aiyi Coffee (Yunnan) Co., Ltd., Lancang Aier Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd.

Yunnan Aiyi Group was established in Pu'er, the coffee capital of China in 2006, involving three major industries: coffee, catering and animal husbandry. It is composed of Yunnan Aichang Agriculture and Animal Husbandry (Group) Co., Ltd., Xishuangbanna Lanshan Coffee planting Co., Ltd., Ai'er Manor Coffee (Pu'er) Co., Ltd., Pu'er Sang Wright Coffee Co., Ltd., Starbucks Aiyi Coffee (Yunnan) Co., Ltd., Lancang Aier Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd., Ninger Aichang Coffee Co., Ltd., and Aili Mountain Restaurant chain.

Aiyi Group is the only partner of Starbucks in the Asia-Pacific region, a national key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization, an advanced leading enterprise in promoting the industrialization of agriculture with Yunnan plateau characteristics, the first national top ten model enterprises for agriculture, rural areas and farmers in CCTV, and won the nomination Award of Yunnan Provincial Governor Award in 2010. The group's brands Aiguo Manor Coffee and Aishi Beef have all passed organic certification.

Love exists because it loves you.

Aidan Group is a national key leading group of agricultural industrialization, Starbucks' only partner in the Asia-Pacific region, and an advanced leading enterprise to promote the industrialization of characteristic agriculture in Yunnan Plateau. It has built a green economic industrial chain with the characteristics of Aiju and made great efforts to build the brand of Aiji Manor.