Coffee review

How to grind coffee beans points for attention-coffee common sense

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Why do coffee beans need to be ground? Before we talk about how to grind coffee beans, let's talk about why coffee beans need to be ground. The process of making coffee is to grind the coffee beans into coffee powder, then extract black coffee with water, and extract the soluble substances from the coffee powder to get a cup of coffee. So whether it is feasible to extract coffee beans directly, the answer is no, the reason is

Why do coffee beans need to be ground?

Before we talk about how to grind coffee beans, let's talk about why coffee beans need to be ground. Coffee is made by grinding coffee beans into

Coffee powder, then black coffee is extracted by water, and the soluble substances in the coffee powder are extracted to get a cup of coffee. So direct.

Whether it is feasible to extract coffee beans, the answer is no, because the particles are too big to extract delicious coffee.

The simple explanation is that you pour a glass of water and add a cube of sugar, which is difficult to dissolve, but if you add granulated sugar, it can easily become sugar water.

. Coffee beans should be ground into coffee powder for the same reason.

How to grind coffee beans?

To put it simply, the grinding of coffee beans is to put the coffee beans on the grinder, and then adjust the grinder accordingly to ensure that the grinding comes from your own place.

Just the coarse and fine coffee powder particles you need.

The ideal time for coffee grinding

It is only ground before cooking. Because ground coffee tends to oxidize and lose its flavor, especially without proper storage.

Coffee powder is also easy to change flavor, naturally can not cook mellow coffee. Before the invention of the bean grinder, people used stone pestles and bowl grinders

Grind coffee beans. A doctor once experimented with this ancient tool and compared it with a modern bean grinder. It is said that it is still a pestle and a stone bowl.

The coffee powder grinded has the best fragrant flavor.

How to preserve coffee beans after grinding

Some people are afraid of trouble or do not want to buy more bean grinders. They usually buy ready-made coffee powder when drinking coffee at home. At this time, they should pay special attention to storage.

As for the storage problem, it is best not to put the coffee powder at room temperature after opening it. The more appropriate way is to put ice in a sealed jar.

Refrigerate the box, and do not put it with garlic, fish and shrimp and other food with strong flavor. Because coffee powder is easy to absorb, one can be careless.

Strange taste of coffee, so even the best quality coffee is ruined. But some people put cooked coffee powder in the refrigerator as deodorant. No.

It is a good way to make the best use of things.

What is the effect of coffee bean grinding on coffee?

The grinding of coffee beans greatly affects the taste of a cup of coffee. For example, the thicker the coffee powder is ground, it will be made under the same conditions.

The coffee will taste sour, on the contrary, the finer the coffee powder is ground, the coffee made under the same conditions will taste bitter. When we.

Knowing this theorem, we rely on it to change the taste of our coffee.

For example, if the coffee you make now tastes too sour, you can fine the coffee bean grinding scale to make the coffee powder finer.

Some, so that the taste of coffee will be balanced and bitter. But the adjustment of the scale needs to avoid the adjustment span is too large, so that you

It is not easy to find the balance between sour and bitter. Coffee is sour originally, but if you grind it very fine at once, it will be very bitter.

The corresponding relationship between the grindability of coffee beans and the making utensils.

Coffee beans contain oil, so the bean grinder must be cleaned after grinding, otherwise the grease will be fouled and will smell of decay after a long time.

Even the most advanced beans have been ground into strange-smelling powder. After each use of the bean grinder, be sure to wipe the blade machine with the wet market.

And wash the plastic top cover with warm hot water But for the flavored coffee that is popular in the United States, the added flavor is strong and strong, and it will be broken.

Keep it for a long time. You'd better put two tablespoons of white Jing sugar into it before cleaning. Of course, it's better to have a grinder to grind only the same kind of beans.

Son, then there is no question of mixing.

Source: network