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Experience the pleasure of reading Gucci Museum Bookstore Florence Romantic Capital Fashion Brand

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The Gucci Museum in Florence, Italy is not only a treasure place for Gucci's meticulous collection of historical products and modern art works, but also a literary base. The idea of Gucci Museum was originally put forward by Frida Giannini, Creative Director of Gucci, as a space to record and preserve the ideas of Gucci Group Forever Now. The Gucci Museum in Florence, Italy is not only ancient.

The Gucci Museum in Florence, Italy is not only a treasure place for Gucci's meticulous collection of historical products and modern art works, but also a literary base. The idea of Gucci Museum was originally put forward by Frida Giannini, Creative Director of Gucci, as a space to record and preserve the ideas of Gucci Group Forever Now.

The Florence-Gucci Museum in Italy is not only a treasure place for Gucci's meticulous collection of historical products and modern art works, but also a literary base. Here is a permanent exhibition of the rich historical and cultural works carefully protected by Gucci over the years, as well as modern art works collected by the Pinault Foundation.


The Gucci Museum has iconic shops, bookstores, coffee shops and gift shops.

Gucci Bookstore, created in partnership with Rizzoli Publishing House, is not an ordinary art museum bookstore. In September 2011, Palazzo della Mercanzia reopened its doors for the completion of the Gucci Museum, and the Gucci Bookstore has been open since then. By displaying a selection of contemporary and historical books, this literary space quickly established an authority in the industry. The bookstore covers a wide range of books, including art, fashion, photography, film, architecture, as well as a variety of books involving photography, pictures and illustrations. Recently, the bookstore has enriched its collection, adding novels, bestsellers, classics and children's books.


Gucci Bookstore is committed to becoming a must destination for people who really love reading.

In addition to the exhibition area, the Gucci Museum also has iconic shops, bookstores, coffee shops and gift shops. Together, they create a unique art space and become a brand-new landscape to attract tourists. With the increasing variety of books, Gucci Bookstore's unique services are becoming more and more perfect, such as helping customers find rare books, providing global mail-order services, and free home delivery in Florence.

There is also a gift shop in the bookstore, which sells a wide range of specialty goods. Customers can buy unique iPhone and iPad cases with the Gucci Museum GUCCIMUSEO logo, scented candles, bookmarks, shopping bags, postcards, 3D landscapes of Lord Square, leather postcards, premium stationery, crayons and chocolates.


There is also a gift shop in the bookstore.

For both locals and tourists, Gucci Bookstore is committed to becoming a must-have destination for people who really love reading, and every book introducing the literary bookstore will never miss a chapter about it.

古驰博物馆的构想最初由古驰创作总监Frida Giannini提出

The idea of Gucci Museum was originally put forward by Frida Giannini, Creative Director of Gucci.

Tickets to the Gucci Museum are priced at 6 euros. Gucci will spend 50% of its ticket revenue on the restoration of the city's art heritage in Florence. The bookstore is open seven days a week from 10:00 to 11:00 in the evening.

Source: men's clothing