Coffee review

Nestle Coffee Group introduces boutique coffee brand culture Nestle Coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Nestle Coffee originated in 1930. When the Brazilian government came into contact with Nestl é, coffee authority Max Morgentel immediately set out with his research team to develop a way to mix with water while keeping the coffee authentic. After seven years of research in a Swiss laboratory, they finally found the answer. Nestle Coffee has become a world-famous brand. two

Nestle Coffee originated in 1930. When the Brazilian government came into contact with Nestl é, coffee authority Max Morgentel immediately set out with his research team to develop a way to mix with water while keeping the coffee authentic. After seven years of research in a Swiss laboratory, they finally found the answer. Nestle Coffee has become a world-famous brand. In April 2012, Nestle Coffee was accused of excessive carcinogens. Nestl é China issued a statement saying, "Nestl é has been strictly abiding by Chinese laws, regulations and industry standards, as well as Nestl é's strict international quality assurance regulations."

Nestle Coffee LOGO design is full of warmth, hope and other charm. With the original coffee color as the background, it embodies the unique color of coffee; it is embellished with white and special letters to give people a unique fragrance and warmth of milk; with a round shape, it embodies the feeling of smoothness and delicacy, like coffee in the mouth. These flavors blend together, like a strong fragrance pulling my mind, it seems to let me share dreams and hopes, as long as you want to always have the light of "Nestle Coffee" to guide you. A cup of Nestle is refreshing and delicious. Trust my taste, Nestle you and I common choice.

The origin of the Nestle Group can be traced back to Switzerland in 1866. In 1867, Mr. Henry Nestle, a Swiss chemist, was the first to invent the world's first baby food, milk cereal. One day, a friend who was a doctor brought a baby born a month prematurely. He couldn't eat and was so weak that he was abandoned. Mr. Henry Nestle took in the child and fed him his own milk cereal. The little life was saved. The good news soon spread locally and was known to mothers, midwives and doctors. Later, Nestle's "magic products" spread all over the world and became very popular, becoming a high-quality food to help children grow up healthily, leading them to a better life, "quality food, a better life". Wish and mission are the promise of "choosing quality and Nestle".