Coffee review

If you think that color is just color, you are very wrong. Feel the color of fashion.

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, As the most fashionable company in the baking world, today, let's talk about fashion. Since 2000, Pantone has chosen an annual color (Color of the Year) every year. Yes, the well-known Pantone color card comes from this company. However, the meaning and influence of Pantong color is far more than that of a color card. From fashion and beauty to living at home

As the most fashionable company in the baking world, today, let's talk about fashion.


Since 2000

Pantone chooses an annual color (Color of the Year) every year.

Yes, the well-known Pantone color card comes from this company.

However, the meaning and influence of Pantong color is far more than that of a color card.

From fashion and beauty to home life, everything that has to do with color and art

Can't draw a line from the annual color of their home.

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Color of the year is not just about fashion.

It also represents the global spirit of the times.

What people yearn for and pursue at a particular time

It represents the spirit of design, people's attitude towards things, and emotions.


The exclusive color in 2013 is emerald (Emerald)

Stands for elegance and beauty, and looks like this.



The exclusive color in 2014 is orchid purple (Radiant Orchid)

Stands for charming, mysterious, and looks like this.


The exclusive color of 2015 to be passed is Marsala.

Warm and quiet, like this



The exclusive color of 2016 is an unprecedented two-color.

Tranquil blue (Serenity) and pink red (Rose Quartz), soothing and soft

It is called "healing".


All right, the Part phase of popular science is over, and then it's today's topic.

I'm sure you haven't heard of it.

The annual color of the dessert world

It is newly developed and launched by 6 girls with both talent and appearance, AIO.

You guessed right. There are six colors in all.

Chocolate black / coconut forest white / matcha green / durian yellow / coffee brown / velvet red

And behind each color, there is a mysterious legend.

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"Sweet No.1 Chocolate Black"

Chocolate originated from the ancient and mysterious Aztec civilization. In the 16th century, Columbus brought it back to Spain to make a popular chocolate drink, known as the "drink of the gods." in the 19th century, this mysterious drink was added to cocoa butter. into a well-known chocolate bar.

Chocolate black masterpiece: chocolate lava

Chef: Cher


Between the cold on the outside and the heat on the inside

Between the fluidity of the liquid and the condensation of the solid

Specious and elusive.

Don't give up curiosity.

To get a steady stream of surprises.

Choose Favna Black Chocolate tablets

Give you an unexpected taste collision.

And a long quiet tipsy aftertaste.

"Sweet No.2 Coconut Forest White"

Coconuts are usually regarded as the "tree of life". In Hawaiian folklore, as soon as a child was born, his chief father returned to his hometown of Tahiti. In order to meet his father, he climbed a coconut tree symbolizing his ancestors, hugged it, and sang to it, as his mother told him. It will continue to extend across the sea to Tahiti.

Coconut forest white masterpiece: coconut lava

Chef: Zhu Lun


Born on a tropical island

But there is a face of fine snow in the north.

Across the sea from the American continent

Who can see through its ever-expanding branches

Is an unforgettable homesickness.

Indonesia Kara Coconut Powder

Blend with Anjia butter and Coya white chocolate

Wayward sweetness is not without delicate contemplation.

"Sweet No.3 durian yellow"

Malaysians send a fully ripe but uncracked complete durian to a "cat mountain" trapped in a cage to identify the good and the bad. If the "cat mountain" is very excited after smelling it, this durian is the best "Elvis Presley". "Elvis Presley" color turmeric, taste sweet, the flesh has a fat-like texture, slippery and meticulous, shape color, meat quality is almost perfect, a cover, full-bodied fragrance.

Huang's masterpiece of durian: Elvis King lava

Chef: Mico


Those who love it cherish their lives.

Those who hate it abandon it like rubbish.

in any case,

No one can deny it.

The smell of durian

"as strong as a slap in the face".

The rich aroma of D197

It's bound to be something you'll never forget.

"Sweet No.4 Matcha Green"

Matcha originated in the Sui and Tang dynasties in China. The tender leaves of spring tea were killed with steam and made into cake tea (group tea) for preservation. Bake and dry again on the fire before eating, and grind it into powder with a natural stone mill. Since ancient times, the literati have left a large number of poems chanting matcha. "Biyun blowing constantly, white flowers glowing bowl noodles" is the praise of matcha by Lu Xun, a poet of the Tang Dynasty.

Matcha Green masterpiece: Matcha lava

Chef: foam


From the early Tang Dynasty

It has lasted for a thousand years.

"Biyun" written by Lu Xing

It has become Yuzhi matcha at 36 °north latitude.

Made by grinding with natural stone instead of metal

Retain the original bright green and nutrition of tea

Life is supposed to be pure and casual.

Sweet No.5 Coffee Brown

According to legend, coffee is the food of warriors. More than a thousand years ago, a wildfire broke out in the highlands of southwestern Ethiopia, scorching a coffee forest. The barbecued coffee released a unique fragrance and attracted the attention of the surrounding residents. Curiosity drove people to try this fruit with a peculiar smell and found it refreshed. Since then, coffee has been roasted, ground and kneaded into bread as food for warriors. It is said that there is no evidence, but the coffee is really saved up to now.

Coffee brown masterpiece: coffee lava

Chef: thinking


Conceived on the continent with the oldest human history

It has been given a "brave heart" by people.

To this day

It has become synonymous with elegance, pleasure and vitality.

However, the coffee itself

Is a much more complex complex than these words.

Choose Catamona coffee from Central America

Bright, sweet and fragrant

With distinct levels

To give you an endless aftertaste of the rich experience.

"Sweet No.6 velvet red"

It is said that a woman who stayed at the Waldorf was infatuated with the red velvet cake there and was still obsessed with it after she left the hotel, so she wrote to the hotel, hoping to get a recipe, and the hotel quickly replied with a recipe for red velvet cake. however, soon after, the lady received a huge bill from the hotel that the menu was not free. As a result, the lady angrily made the recipe public and made the red velvet cake famous.

Red velvet masterpiece: red velvet lava

Chef: Yaya



It's passion and hope.

It's love and energy.


Is soft and mysterious.

It's gorgeous and emotional.

Red velvet lava

A work of new inspiration

Only the quality remains the same.

Waiting for you to come to taste.

For you who have seen here, we also have a luxury color of the year suit--

Comprehensive lava set, once with the most fashionable color in the baking world!


The fragrance of chocolate

The freshness of matcha

The intensity of durian

The mystery of red velvet

The frankness of coffee

The innocence of coconut milk

The colors and delicacies of the world

It's in your hands.

Source: light food