Coffee review

Have you been to these four new caf é s in Wuhan?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In the new year, let's have a better cup of coffee. In 2008, the first Starbucks in Wuhan opened in Qunguang Square, when someone came across the river to have a latte. In just a few years, having a cup of coffee has become almost a part of our lives, and Starbucks stores have expanded to office buildings, subway stations and even Union Hospital. In the northwest lake, Li Huangpi Road, Wuhan Tiandi and other fashionable people

In the new year, go and have a better cup of coffee


In 2008, the first Starbucks in Wuhan opened in Qunguang Square, when someone made a special trip across the river to have a latte. In just a few years, having a cup of coffee has become almost a part of our lives, and Starbucks stores have expanded to office buildings, subway stations and even Union Hospital. In the northwest lake, Li Huangpi Road, Wuhan Tiandi and other fashionable places have also opened large and small cafes, it seems that everyone is on their way to it.

However, whether it is a chain of Starbucks or those with the same decoration of cafes, it has been difficult to meet the diverse tastes of young people. More and more people prefer high-quality coffee, which pays more attention to the origin and flavor of beans and the extraction method of coffee, and pursues to maximize the flavor of each kind of beans.

Better searched four new local coffee shops. In the decoration style, geographical location and coffee production choice, all have their own unique understanding and positioning. Not only is the coffee delicious, but every barista is happy to share the knowledge of coffee origin, flavor characteristics, varieties, production and processing methods with guests in an easy-to-understand way. You can also see the process of making each cup of coffee intuitively at the bar, and everything is admirable.

In 2016, go for a better cup of coffee.

47 / F 4730, Building 3, Times Square, Lanling Road

1.z coffee

The store is on the 47th floor of Times Square. As soon as you enter the door, you can feel bright and transparent, and the invincible view of the river is right in front of you. In the center of the shop is a spectacular red oak five-meter circular bar, the bar makes coffee necessities: coffee machine, bean grinder, powder hammer, etc., barista makes coffee for you in the middle.


The coffee shop is run by Han Jiarui, who has won the Wuhan wbc championship for three years in a row. In addition to self-baked coffee beans, there are nearly 20 kinds of high-quality beans imported from abroad, such as the famous Japanese coffee brand Maruyama Coffee and the Nordic coffee roasting wave representing tim Wendeelboe beans. In addition to the carefully mixed milk from the store, there are two types of imported fresh milk to choose from. Han Jiarui explained: blended milk is based on local fresh milk and then blended with foreign normal temperature milk. In order to find the most suitable taste, they have tried nearly a hundred kinds of imported milk.


The whole store is full of science and technology. In addition to the CD player of Danish brand Bauo on the wall, it is also equipped with the electronic scale used in the bar. After connecting the app, you can directly see the powder-to-water ratio and strength in the process of brewing coffee. In addition to the sense of technology, there are many lovely little details hidden in the store, such as the portrait on the wall showing the Mona Lisa holding a 1.z take-out cup in her hand, and the warning "gai" posted on the steps of the door, including the flowers on the table and the good music in the store. Guests can relax and enjoy a cup of coffee here.


No. 15 Bagua Jing Street, Yellow Crane Tower South Road

Self-contained coffee

This two-story shop under the shade of trees is right under the bridge of the Yangtze River Bridge, behind a green belt. It seems to face the street, but it creates a very private space because of the shade of trees.

The owner is a young couple: Xiao An and SY. The decoration style of the whole store makes people feel gentle and friendly, with a feeling of visiting a good friend's house. Xiao An and SY worked very carefully in renovating the old house. They made all the seemingly inconspicuous things themselves, such as the plant specimens displayed in the photo frame in the store, many design decorations on the wall, and even the Christmas wreath hanging under the small blackboard at the door. Because they insisted on making the old house as beautiful as home. The decoration process takes four months.


Speaking of the original intention of opening a store, Xiao A said that he wanted to do something that two people could do together. They ride bicycles almost every night after closing up at 09:30, often from the riverside to the scenic Moon Bay Wharf. When the store is closed on Monday, they don't touch a drop of coffee that day, even if they visit a friend's coffee shop.

Of course, the soul of a coffee shop is still coffee. SY has a lot of ideas about coffee. For example, he usually drinks whisky and adds a hockey puck to the coffee pot when making Mantenin Blue Batak, because he personally thinks the coffee will taste better at a low temperature. The purpose of adding ice hockey is to force the coffee to cool down and prevent the coffee from losing its aroma when it naturally drops from high temperature to low temperature.

Of course, he would not choose to do this directly when it is routinely produced. He thinks that high-quality coffee mainly promotes the flavor of coffee, so he will first ask guests what they like about the flavor, and then use the taste they remember in their life to describe the flavor of each kind of coffee. For example, the flavor of berries and chocolate, instead of dryly asking the guests whether they like sour or bitter, after all, not many people like these two flavors.

Sitting at the floor-to-ceiling window, having a cup of coffee, flipping through the magazines in the store, and eating a bowl of delicious curry rice when the sun goes down, I'm really happy to have a bored day like this.



1451 Zhongshan Avenue (next to July 1st Middle School)

NO SEAT coffee

From the second middle to the seventh road of Zhongshan Avenue, the food intensity is so high that even the stray cats here are all round. No seat is on this street, the door face is very small, the eyes may miss, but the nose will not, because the door can smell the strong aroma of coffee.


As the name implies, this is a coffee shop with no seats. The storefront is small. About seven or eight people are standing inside waiting for coffee, and the ninth person is about to be squeezed to the door. The appearance of the store is simple and lively, full of geometric elements, the cross use of log color and black and white is a Nordic style that can bring people a good mood. In order to make guests have the desire to stand at the door for a drink, the door must first look designed, so I have to say that the black and white bricks on the floor of the no seat door are very photogenic, and almost everyone who comes to drink coffee likes to step on it and take a picture.



The coffee in the shop is very affordable, basically around 15 yuan, and there is a special price of 10 yuan a day. Although it is taken away to drink, every cup will not be neglected. I will seriously pull up the flower lid for you and hand it to you. If you don't drink it now, it will give you a lovely little stopper to prevent the coffee from spilling. Pay great attention to details. "our goal is to get everyone to drink sweet coffee." Said the shopkeeper. What is used here is self-baked mixed beans, which is sour and sweet when roasted lightly, so that the coffee will have a slightly sweet taste without sugar. In order to break the inherent concept that coffee is bitter, the shopkeeper often encourages students who come to buy coffee not to try sugar. People think they like it very much. And saved a lot of sugar packets.


Just like about life coffee brewers, a popular take-away boutique cafe in Tokyo, there will soon be hand-made coffee, and iced coffee and cold coffee will be sold in bottles in summer. In addition to these, the store can now purchase utensils and beans from the famous boutique coffee brand bluebottle and intellectuals, which is also a great choice for people who like to make coffee at home.

No seat, which has just opened for a month, has been loved by many people, including hurried company employees, boys and girls in school uniforms, and pizza shop owners at the end of the street have become regular customers. After all, it is affordable and delicious, who doesn't like it?



Block 1.2, Block K3, Chuhe South Road

(between Block An and Block B of Hanjie International headquarters)

Dear deer coffee

The boutique cafe, which opened in early November, is already a popular shop near Han Street, filled with employees from nearby office buildings on weekdays, and there are plenty of people who have just come to have a rest after shopping. Everyone automatically filtered several large chain cafes nearby.


Why? Because the coffee here is delicious. Even the most common kapok tastes like milk chocolate in the mouth, sweet white chocolate at the end, and chocolate and nuts as a whole. Moreover, long before Star Baba made Furei famous for nothing, there was flat white here, which has great sweetness and richness, and will provide you with a small glass of milk to taste alternately, in order to highlight the flavor of coffee in the change of taste.


Breakfast coffee is served here on weekdays, which can be bought for 18 yuan for cabbage, latte and American style, together with a fresh cinnamon roll, which can relieve the bad mood before work. In terms of dessert, they are also looking for some minority family-style suppliers to ensure that the products are meticulous. The cupcakes here are very early, and the Italian cream is very rich, sweet and thick. I feel like the cream on the fruit cake when I was young.


If you drink a single cup of coffee, the barista will give you a warm porcelain cup, an ice cup with ice and a pot of coffee, so that you can feel the different flavors of the individual coffee at different temperatures. The most special thing is that after baristas make coffee, they will taste the coffee themselves first. If the barista is not satisfied, he will pour out the coffee and will not give it to the customer until he is satisfied.

Forget the troubles of Monday and come to this coffee shop with a passion for products for a drink.


Text cocount

Art Lu Jiujiu

Editor/photo Zhao Jingyi

Source: better