Coffee review

Thousands of diners have chosen the coffee shop with the world's first strong matcha ice cream. They must go there.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, In Fujie City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, there is a coffee shop called NANAYA, which sells the world's first strong-style matcha ice cream, which is jointly run by a couple. The Italian matcha ice cream in this shop can be chosen by the guests. From the 1st to 7th, the higher the number, the higher the concentration. It is said that even the No. 1 matcha ice cream has a stronger flavor than the one sold on the market.

In Fujie City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, there is a coffee shop called NANAYA, which sells "the world's strongest" Italian matcha ice cream, which is jointly run by a couple.

万千食客评出拥有 世界第一浓 抹茶冰淇淋的咖啡店,一定要去

The Italian matcha ice cream in this shop can be chosen by the guests. From the 1st to 7th, the higher the number, the higher the concentration. It is said that even the No. 1 matcha ice cream has a stronger flavor than the one sold on the market, so it makes sense that No. 7 has become what everyone calls "the strongest in the world."

万千食客评出拥有 世界第一浓 抹茶冰淇淋的咖啡店,一定要去

万千食客评出拥有 世界第一浓 抹茶冰淇淋的咖啡店,一定要去

万千食客评出拥有 世界第一浓 抹茶冰淇淋的咖啡店,一定要去

The birth of Matcha, the strongest in the World

The reason for coming up with this idea is also due to the crazy love of matcha and the delicious mouth of husband Seihiko Suzuki and his wife Meihe. It is said that the two men have tasted almost all kinds of matcha ice cream from nearly 20 countries, and the number they have eaten in Japan is closer to 50. As a result, their own tongues became the best judge for screening matcha.

When it comes to why they want to make "the strongest in the world", their reason is particularly simple. They "hope to spread the advantages of Tengzhi matcha", so that in the production process, they repeatedly break the machine because of too much pursuit of the high concentration of matcha. This slightly demanding perfectionism led to NANAYA, which, not to mention the surge in passenger traffic, won the 2014 Japanese Italian Ice Cream Award.

万千食客评出拥有 世界第一浓 抹茶冰淇淋的咖啡店,一定要去

People who have been to NANAYA have said that this is the place where matcha lovers must be present.

Whether it is delicious or not, what they have eaten is as follows:

The dessert of matcha is really delicious in this house, and the food used to be unauthentic.

-- by Aidalee

There is a matcha theme dessert shop called Nanaya in Fujie City, Shizuoka Prefecture. It is said that the Japanese TV program of this store has been interviewed more than 20 times, and the matcha dessert shop is very famous. The matcha ice cream in this shop is the most popular product. Matcha ice cream has seven flavors, oh, seven different concentrations. I ate NO.6 is very delicious, have eaten a few Kyoto matcha ice cream, not as good as this one. The recommended matcha is Dafu, and the matcha pie is very delicious.

-- by evergreen804

"No.7 is a must! But what I would like to mention is that there're lots of other flavors that's worth trying! I don't know. 39% sure you won't regret trying those. Matcha No. 7 must be eaten! Other flavors are also worth trying, and I'm sure you won't regret it.

-- By siuchouw

No. 4 is the most delicious, and No. 2 and No. 3 are also good. No matter how thick it is, it depends on the individual.

-- by satosi3104

Stand in line for about 10 minutes. It's not sweet. It's great.

-- A great trip. 2013

Look, you're not impressed? I'm already on my way to fly.

万千食客评出拥有 世界第一浓 抹茶冰淇淋的咖啡店,一定要去

Source: I know how to eat.