Coffee review

There is no simple meal. This coffee-only shop is looking for a simple coffee-only restaurant in the market through differentiation.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Wen / Youzhika sir believes that a cafe that only sells coffee is the ideal country that many coffee people yearn for. There is such a coffee shop in Taiwan. There are only coffee products on its menu, and there are no desserts or light meals. The point is, it is so popular that it can make a good profit just by selling coffee. How does it do that? First, open the market with a single product

Text / Youzhi

Sir believes that a coffee shop that only sells coffee is the "utopia" that many coffee makers yearn for.

There is such a coffee shop in Taiwan.

There are only coffee products on its menu, and there are no desserts or light meals.

The point is, it is so popular that it can make a good profit just by selling coffee. How does it do that?

First, open the market with individual products

The most special thing about this shop is that it only sells coffee on the menu, unlike other cafes, which more or less sell light foods, desserts, or even light meals.

But because it is emphasized here that there is only coffee, you can see that all kinds of coffee beans are on display in the store, and their production resumes are recorded in detail.

Guests can sit in the bar area and listen to the hospitable boss talk about coffee, and the store also holds timely activities in conjunction with festivals such as Halloween, Lunar New year and so on.

In addition, the location is located near the campus of National Taiwan University, so it attracts many students and young people to come here to taste coffee and enjoy a leisurely afternoon.

Second, form differentiation with single product

Didi Coffee focuses on individual coffee, which seems to be a niche market, but it also breaks through the difference between it and other coffee shops and becomes a feature that attracts coffee lovers.

In addition, Didi Coffee also has the advantage of enhancing customer gathering power in terms of location, service and environment.

Drop coffee sells coffee very professionally, individual coffee is extracted with siphon stopper, coffee beans are also roasted on the spot in the store, and a wide variety of raw beans are sold, all with a guarantee of origin.

By building the characteristics of your own brand, you can continue to attract specific groups of customers who really want to drink good coffee. This exclusive uniqueness is one of the secrets of creating exclusive customer gathering power.

Third, a good place to build a good shop

The location of the store is the most important. If there is a prime location, it will be half the success first. Because the coffee drop is located near Taiwan University, the main group of customers who come to the store not only have office workers, but also have a student group.

Now Didi Coffee has three branches, and the locations also have advantages. For example, on the second floor of National Taiwan University's New Gymnasium, in the Water Park, and at Tamkang University, there are groups of students or tourists gathering, which further confirms that a good location can add a lot of points to the gathering power.

Fourth, facade design is very important

Drop coffee is also very careful in the facade design, a whole piece of floor-to-ceiling glass, can greatly increase the natural light into the house, but also has the effect of expanding indoor space.

Customers can clearly see the people and scenery on the street through the large glass window, and the walls of the store are also embedded with mirrors. even if you sit with your back to the front glass, you can still see the view of the street through reflection. it feels like a cafe in the street.

Fifth, the consumption environment in the store is also an additional item.

In addition to the glass design, another feature of the environment in the store is the wooden furnishings, which create a warm feeling. For the guests who enjoy the coffee in the store, the comfort of the environment is also the key to whether to spend or not.

The reason why customers will come to the store to spend money is that they feel that the restaurant is delicious, the service quality is good, the price is affordable, or they like the style of the store.

Like Didi Coffee, emphasizing the differentiation between itself and the general market, targeting specific customers, focusing on doing what you have to do, successfully building a store's brand image in the minds of customers, coupled with the blessing of a good location, will naturally help to improve customer gathering.

This article was originally published in Jiamen.