Coffee review

HARIO filter cup V60 resin coffee filter cup manual drip filter type individual coffee hand brewing

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, [name] Coffee filter cup [Brand] HARIO Harrio Glass King [Origin] Japan Japan [material] AS resin [model] V60 trickle filter cup 02 [color] Coffee-red-white-transparent [specification] 1 UV 4 people use this product for pure Japanese imports, heat-resistant resin, transparent cup is AS resin (can withstand temperature of about 120C, temperature difference of 90C), other is PP resin (can withstand temperature difference of about 120C, 90C)

Coffee filter cup

[brand] HARIO Harrio Glass King

[Origin] Japan Japan

AS resin

[model] V60 drip filter cup 02

[color] Coffee-red-white-transparent

This product is imported from Japan, heat-resistant resin, transparent cup is AS resin (can withstand temperature of about 120C, temperature difference of 90C), other PP resin (can withstand temperature of about 150C, temperature difference of 120C)

09 new V60 resin cone filter cup unique cone design advanced PP resin material, high temperature resistance, should not break three-dimensional cup pattern fermentation effect is better

The conical design lengthens the extraction time of hot water and coffee powder to extract the original coffee.

The intensity of coffee depends on the speed of water injection, the taste of fast water injection is light, while that of slow water injection is rich.

Twill spiral design, coffee powder expansion space without hindrance, can let the air release freely