Coffee review

Deep-roasted cooked beans in washing in Honduras Honduras San Juan Xido bourbon species

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Honduras San Juancito Lot#1 country: Honduras production area: San Juan Thedo altitude: 1450-1550 m treatment: washing variety: bourbon treatment: COMISAJUL Cooperative Flavor: clean, roasted nuts, milk chocolate San Juan Thedo is a small village in central Honduras, located 40 kilometers northeast of Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras.

Honduras San Juancito Lot#1

Country: Honduras

Producing area: San Juan Theodore

Altitude: 1450-1550 m

Treatment: washing

Variety: bourbon

Handlers: COMISAJUL Cooperation Organization

Flavor: clean, baked nuts, milk chocolate

San Juan Ciudo is a small village in central Honduras, 40 kilometers northeast of Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. The town is under the jurisdiction of Francisco Morz á n, in addition, the jurisdiction of Francisco Morz á n includes Nuevo Rosario, Guacamaya and Plan Grande, with a total population of about 1400.

Although San Juan Theodore is historically famous for its mineral deposits, it is now highlighted by its location in the buffer zone of La Tigra National Park, a rainforest ecosystem and the first national park in Honduras. The park acts as a huge reservoir, providing domestic water for 500000 residents of the capital.

Because Honduras is located in the tropics, the temperature change in San Juan Theodore is small throughout the year. Therefore, the so-called winter is actually the rainy season, while the so-called summer is actually the dry season. In the tropics, altitude has a greater effect on temperature than the duration of precipitation in a year. San Juan Seto is located more than 1239 meters above sea level, making the temperature slightly cooler all the year round. In summer (March-June), the maximum temperature is usually about 26C, while the average minimum temperature is about 18C. The highest average temperature in winter is 20 ℃ and the lowest is about 14 ℃.