Coffee review

How to buy a home coffee machine like an expert What coffee machine is good What is good coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Over time, the biggest functions of coffee shops have become keeping their brains awake and getting free Wi-Fi, and more and more people are trying to make coffee at home if they want a good cup of coffee. The tips and precautions for making coffee by hand have been popularized before. Today, let's talk about how to choose a suitable home coffee machine to make delicious coffee. according to the US

As time goes by, the biggest function of cafes is to keep the brain awake and get free WIFI, while more and more people are trying to make coffee at home if they want a good cup of coffee.

We have popularized the skills and attention of making coffee by hand before. Today, let's talk about how to buy a suitable home coffee machine to make delicious coffee.

According to a comparison of the most common coffee makers on the market by the US home website HomeOwl, they used three key words as important criteria for selection: price, coffee quality and ease of operation. Everyone's preferences and lifestyle are different, but there must be a coffee maker for you.

If your pace of life is too fast and you want to wake yourself up with high-quality coffee every morning, but you don't have the time, consider getting a simple and convenient capsule coffee maker. If you don't use it frequently, you can choose a cheaper style. In fact, you can buy a pretty good coffee machine for less than $50 on the market. However, if you are a heavy coffee lover and have a certain pursuit of quality, then the multi-purpose coffee machine should be more suitable for you, especially those with SCAA certification. (editor's note: SCAA (Specialty Coffee Association of America) is the American Fine Coffee Association.)

How to buy a household coffee machine

The ideal coffee maker should be able to heat and keep the water between 90 and 96 degrees Celsius, while the soaking time of coffee beans should be controlled within 8 minutes, which is most conducive to coffee extraction. But many coffee machines do not meet this standard. The reference ratio for most coffee machines is 2 tablespoons ground coffee for every 6 ounces of water. Of course, it is most reliable to refer to the user's manual in the specific operation.

HomeOwl recommends the following three common household coffee makers:

Drip coffee machine (Drip)

Drip coffee machine

Drip coffee machine is currently the most popular on the market, but many coffee experts believe that it is not easy to control the brewing time, resulting in poor taste of the coffee.

Before using the drip coffee machine, you need to put a piece of filter paper on the inside of the funnel, then put the right amount of coffee powder into the filter bag, close the funnel door, then add the right amount of water and start the machine.

Drip filter coffee machine (Percolator)

Drip filter coffee machine

Drip coffee machines were very popular before the 1970s and were widely replaced by drip coffee machines. If it is a non-electric drip coffee machine, it also needs to be equipped with an external heating source.

When using a drip coffee machine, you need to add water first, put the filter mesh into the filter basket, fill it with coffee beans, and then you can use it with electricity.

Capsule Coffee Machine (Pod)

Capsule coffee machine

The advent of the capsule coffee machine is a boon to the lazy. This is a very convenient choice for people who do not want to mix coffee with their hands. But there is a voice in coffee connoisseurs: the coffee made in this way is too bitter to compare with a drip coffee machine or a French kettle.

The principle of capsule coffee and drip coffee machine is exactly the same, but it is easier. Add proper water, put in the coffee capsule, close the lid and start, and make a cup of coffee in a minute.

Coffee machines serve coffee beans, while coffee beans serve people's tastes. The order of this relationship cannot be reversed. But coffee beans, like coffee machines, have a vital impact on coffee. No matter how good the coffee machine is, if the quality of the coffee beans can't keep up, it will be a failed cup of coffee. By the same token, there is no point in an ordinary coffee machine with the most expensive coffee beans.

There are some coffee machines that focus on grinding, which can be soaked and ground directly into coffee beans, but these machines are easy to wear and difficult to clean and are not suitable for household use. Also, water is directly related to the taste of coffee. To drink coffee well, you must have good water.

Household coffee machine

The household coffee machine is easy to use and the quality of the coffee is not bad. But many coffee enthusiasts still like to make their own coffee, using pressure pots, hand pots and siphon pots to control the brewing time and try to make the perfect coffee. Of course, this requires a high level of craftsmanship, and if it is not operated properly, the coffee can not be imported.


"Price, coffee quality and ease of operation", compare these three keywords, think carefully about your needs, and choose the most suitable coffee maker for your home. When a cup of high-quality coffee is freshly baked, please gradually open your taste buds, feel the subtlety of each with your tongue, and enjoy the fragrance of each drop of coffee in your mouth during the best taste period.