Coffee review

Introduction to Coffee basic knowledge Section 3 Classification of Coffee beans Blue Mountain Coffee Mocha Coffee Coffee

Published: 2024-09-17 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/09/17, Introduction to coffee basic knowledge section 3 classification of coffee beans Blue Mountain Coffee Mocha Coffee Coffee Cuban Crystal Mountain Coffee Brazilian Coffee with the high quality of life, coffee is consumed by more and more people, so the distinction of taste is particularly necessary. The most basic factor that affects the taste is the raw material of coffee, coffee beans. Here are a few kinds of coffee beans and special flavor coffee.

Introduction to coffee basic knowledge section 3 classification of coffee beans Blue Mountain Coffee Mocha Musk Coffee Cuban Crystal Mountain Coffee Brazilian Coffee

With the high quality of life, coffee is consumed by more and more people, so it is particularly necessary to distinguish the taste. The most basic factor that affects the taste is the raw material of coffee, coffee beans. The following is about the classification of several kinds of coffee beans and special flavor coffee. Throw a brick to attract jade, let's share it.

Coffee beans are generally classified according to origin or taste, here according to the traditional origin classification:

1. Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee) 2. Blue Mountain Coffee is a well-known coffee produced only in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica in Central America. The logo of "Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee (Blue Mountain Coffee)" is only produced in the Blue Mountain region of Jamaica in Central America, and only coffee grown in the Blue Mountain area above 1800 meters can be licensed. Accounts for 15% of Jamaica's total Blue Mountain coffee production. The coffee grown between 457m and 1524 m is called alpine coffee (Jamaica High Mountain Supreme Coffee Beans), and the coffee grown between 274m and 457m is called Jamaican coffee (Jamaica Prime Coffee Beans). Blue Mountain Coffee has mellow, bitter slightly sweet, soft and smooth characteristics, and slightly sour taste, can make the taste more sensitive, taste its unique taste, is the best of coffee.

two。 Mokha some people say: in coffee, Blue Mountain can be king, Mocha can be called queen. Mocha coffee has the most unique, richest and most fascinating complex flavors in the world: red wine, wild game, dried fruit, blueberries, grapes, cinnamon, tobacco, sweet spices, logs and even chocolate. no, no, no. Mocha coffee has a special taste and varied levels, like a woman's mood. When you taste it slowly, the feelings you can experience will not be repeated and change constantly. The more you taste, the more you drink a glass of red wine. Someone once described it this way: if Mexican coffee can be compared to dry white wine, then Yemeni mocha is Bordeaux wine. The real mocha coffee is produced in the Republic of Yemen in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. it grows on a steep hillside with an elevation of 900 to 2400 meters above sea level. it is also the oldest coffee in the world. This variety of beans is small and strong, with a unique sour and citrus aroma, more charming aroma, and mellow with intoxicating rich aftertaste, unique aroma and soft sweet and sour taste, intoxicating.

3. Civet coffee (Kopi Luwak Kopi Luwak) is a recently discovered coffee, produced in Indonesia, coffee beans are one of the civets' food range, but the coffee beans cannot be completely digested by the digestive system, the beans are fermented in the civets' intestines and stomach and excreted by the faeces, and the local people take out the beans in the civet feces before processing, which is called "cat shit" coffee. The taste is unique and strong, and people who are used to this taste will never forget it for the rest of their lives. Due to the gradual deterioration of the wild environment, the number of civets is also slowly decreasing, resulting in a very limited output of this kind of coffee. People who can taste this coffee are very lucky. Now a lot of the market is "Kopi Luwak" produced by captive cats.

4. Cuban Crystal Mountain Coffee (Cubita) in Cuba, the cultivation of coffee is regulated by the state. The best coffee growing area in Cuba is located in the Central Mountains. Because this area not only grows coffee, but also produces quartz, crystal and other precious minerals, it is also known as Crystal Mountain. At present, Crystal Mountain Coffee is synonymous with top Cuban coffee. Crystal Mountain is adjacent to the Blue Mountain Mountains of Jamaica, with similar climatic conditions, comparable to Jamaican Blue Mountain Coffee. Crystal Mountain is also known as "the Blue Mountain of Cuba". Similarly, the annual output of imported coffee from Crystal Mountain in Cuba is not high, so most of the time there is no market. The most representative is "Cubita Coffee" abbreviated as "Cubita". The Chinese trademark "Amber Coffee" adheres to the principle of perfect coffee, only making individual coffee, picking coffee beans by hand, plus washing coffee beans to ensure the quality of coffee. Cubirta is like an elegant princess, with the characteristics of nobility, tenderness and grace. The balance is excellent, the bitter taste and the sour taste are well matched, and there will be a delicate, smooth, fresh and elegant feeling in the taste. Known as a unique Caribbean flavor coffee, the Cuban embassy designated coffee.

5. Brazilian Coffee (Brazilian Coffee) Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, accounting for nearly 30 per cent of the world's total production. The taste of Brazilian coffee has a low sour taste, with the sweet and bitter taste of coffee, the entrance is very smooth, but also with a hint of grass aroma, slightly bitter in the fragrance, smooth and smooth, with a pleasant aftertaste. Brazilian coffee has no outstanding advantages, but there are no obvious defects, this taste is mild and smooth, low acidity, moderate mellow, with a touch of sweetness, all these soft flavors are mixed together, if you want to distinguish them one by one, it's the best test for taste buds.