Coffee review

South America Brazil's well-known representative coffee mountain coffee brother is better than the well-known representative coffee brother.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, South America Brazil (Brazil) well-known representative coffee: Santos Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, with the first total output in the world, accounting for 1 beat 3 of the world's total output, and its main production is concentrated in the central and southern provinces. The area of mixed coffee grown in Brazil is flat, and most of the coffee is below 1200 meters above sea level, and it is also heavily sheltered, because the fruits are the same when harvested.

South America

Brazil (Brazil) famous representative coffee: Santos

Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer, with the first total output in the world, accounting for 1x3 of the world's total output, and its main production areas are concentrated in the central and southern provinces. The area of mixed coffee grown in Brazil is flat, and most of the coffee is below 1200 meters above sea level, and it is also heavily sheltered, because it is not fine coffee because it is ripe at the same time. The coffee products in Brazil are of average but low grade. Their beans are full of beans, and they are obviously not resistant to heat during the roasting process. Among the varieties, they are famous for Santos cuisine, which is famous for their export to Hong Kong Santos. Brazilian coffee beans are neutral and can be tasted separately, or mixed with other kinds of coffee beans to form mixed coffee. It is generally regarded as an indispensable coffee bean for mixing.

Colombia well-known representative coffee: Gobbi

Colombia is the second largest coffee exporter in the world, accounting for about 15% of the world's output. Many kinds of coffee are planted in three mountain towers in the north and south of Colombia, only Arabica. Its output ranking is much lower than that of Brazil, but the coffee beans are excellent, the aroma is rich and special, the acid is sweet, and the bitter taste is very suitable, no matter it is single or mixed. Gobi beans and Brazilian beans are the best choice for basic coffee beans, but they are sweeter and more fragrant. In addition to individual products, they are also often used in mixed coffee to increase the sweetness of coffee and match the bitterness of other coffees.

Coffee (Peru) is a well-known representative coffee.

Secret coffee is one of the major coffee producing countries in South America, and coffee is the largest export agricultural product of South America. The export volume has increased sharply in recent years, and the export volume reached an all-time high in 2006. From the ground floor, you can see that the Andes are "parallel to the coast" in the secret territory. More than 90% of the coffee is grown in the north, in the valleys of the capital, Leigh, and in forest areas on the slopes of the Andes. "Coffee beans have a sweet taste, not thick, not light, soft acid is one of its major characteristics, and slightly drupe flavor." With the increase in export volume, coffee is fond of familiarity. At present, more and more people like the mellow taste and soft sour taste of secret coffee.