Coffee review

What kind of equipment is suitable for ice drop coffee? what are the coffee beans suitable for ice drop coffee?

Published: 2024-10-18 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/10/18, Abstract: ice drop coffee, also known as water drop coffee, ice brewed coffee, is a way to make coffee drinks. Ice drop coffee, also known as water drop coffee, ice brewed coffee, is a way to make coffee drinks. Ice drop coffee uses ice water, cold water or ice cubes to extract coffee, which is very slow and often takes hours, so ice drop coffee is more expensive. Ice drop

Abstract: ice drop coffee, also known as water drop coffee, ice brewed coffee, is a way to make coffee drinks.

Ice drop coffee, also known as water drop coffee, ice brewed coffee, is a way to make coffee drinks. Ice drop coffee uses ice water, cold water or ice cubes to extract coffee, which is very slow and often takes hours, so ice drop coffee is more expensive.

Ice droplets were invented in the Netherlands, and the common iced coffee drip filter consists of 3-4 layers of glass containers mounted on wooden seats. It is recommended to use deep-roasted coffee beans to make ice-drop coffee. Slow drip filtration of 10 seconds and seven drops is recommended for about eight to ten hours. This long-time low-temperature extraction method makes the coffee powder 100% wet and effectively removes bitterness and tannins. Coffee is clear and amber, full-bodied, smooth, not sour, and does not hurt the stomach.


1. Close the droplet regulating valve first.

two。 Pour the right amount of drinking cold water into the water bottle according to the number of users, and add the right amount of ice to make iced coffee. The standard water quantity for one person is about 120CC.

3. Wet the filter cloth filter with water, then put it into the coffee powder cup

4. Put the right amount of coffee powder into the coffee powder cup, and the standard amount for one person is about 10-12g very fine ground coffee powder.

5. Finally, put the pill filter paper on the central surface of the coffee powder (No. 6 pill filter paper for the water drop coffee maker), and the pill filter paper should be placed on the landing point for the water drop under the water bottle.

6. Slowly open the droplet adjustment valve to allow water droplets to flow out of the water bottle, the water droplets should be dripped on the pellet filter paper, the standard droplet speed should be 40-60 drops per minute, and should be adjusted every 2 hours.

7. The water droplets will permeate the pellet filter paper and coffee powder, make coffee, pass through the cloth filter, and finally fall into the coffee liquid container. Cold and delicious, 100% original water drop coffee is finished.

Matters needing attention

1. Be sure to rinse all glassware and cloth filters with clean water before and after use

two。 Please discard the pellet filter paper immediately after use and do not reuse it.

3. The filter cloth on the filter cloth filter can be reused after cleaning. If the filter cloth is damaged or smells before use, stop using it immediately and replace the new filter cloth.