Coffee review

Coffee cart Coffee cart in Chiang Mai

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The way to realize your dream is different. Only people with peace of mind can open such a cafe in the temple! When I arrived in Chongqing a year and a half ago, I saw the illustration of this coffee car, painted by the beautiful painter @ Twilight. I was deeply impressed at that time. At that time, this picture had already gone viral in moments, which may also be the dream of many Chinese coffee people.

Different ways to realize your dreams

Only those who have peace of mind

To open a cafe like this in the temple!

-- an inscription on Alfin

When I arrived in Chongqing a year and a half ago, I saw the illustration of this coffee car, painted by the beautiful painter @ Twilight. I was deeply impressed at that time. At that time, this picture has gone viral in moments, and this may also be the dream of many Chinese coffee people, driving mobile coffee cars, making coffee and singing songs, wandering around the world hand in hand with their loved ones, and how beautiful it is to harmonize their career and ideal life, but China has "chengguan"....

Just yesterday, ANN sent me an article she wrote. Isn't it the true story of this coffee truck? This story is very interesting and must be introduced to domestic partners who also like coffee and love life.

According to ANN, the owner of the car is Krit, a handsome and friendly Thai who used to be a filmmaker who co-produced "espionage" with Chow Yun-fat in Bangkok. After changing careers, he bought the car in Bangkok, converted it into a coffee car and drove all the way to Chiang Mai. It was parked in Wat si koet, a small temple near Parsin Temple, and named Republic Coffee. To this day, it is still a special scenery in a small temple.

Krit, owner of the coffee truck

Coffee cars offer both Italian coffee and Thai black tea Hot Thai Tea, where the price of a cup of drink will not exceed 50 baht (less than 10 yuan). Coffee is also a part of Thai life, and it is common to have a cup at hand.

Krit is a quiet person, this small temple usually not many people, he used his spare time to raise a lot of small plants, but also lovely succulent, and a small black cat, live a life at peace with the rest of the world.

Krit's friendliness also won the admiration of many guests, such as ANN, who used to drink his coffee and chat every day during his month in Chiang Mai.

There are many such mobile or fixed coffee cars in Thailand, which is very interesting.

Hope that when you meet it, you will be willing to stop and sit down for a drink.

-- ANN

The illustration is from the happy life of ANN @ Lao an