Coffee review

Secret of coffee shop location

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, If you choose the right location, the success rate of the cafe will reach 70%, which shows the importance of location. Now that you have decided to go ahead, the next step is to determine the best location and establish the criteria for site selection.

Location selection

Site selection, site selection, re-location-- the determination to find a good location through iron shoes

If you choose the right location, the success rate of the cafe will reach 70%, which shows the importance of location. Now that you have decided to go ahead, the next step is to determine the best location and establish the criteria for site selection.

Consumer groups:

The operation of the cafe needs to have a stable consumer group, among the people who accept the concept of coffee, students, cultural people, diners, business people. It accounts for a large proportion, so we should find a way to catch the hearts of these people. Circle a place that may be your place of business in the future and count the guests there, but not every passer-by is a coffee consumer. Find out with the nearby store when the passenger flow is the biggest, which days are busiest, and the trend of the store's passenger flow, and analyze the customers of the better-run businesses. Do consumers within a radius of two kilometers have a habit of drinking coffee? keep in mind that people with high income and high taste are not necessarily your fixed customer base.

Visibility and convenience:

The visibility of the cafe is very important, whether it is convenient to park at the door, whether the transportation is convenient, and whether the guests can see your store at the first glance. These are the criteria to measure a store. Don't expect people to cross the road and turn a few turns to find your store every time, unless the coffee is really delicious, and this guest happens to be a knowledgeable person, but will there be many such people?


If there is not a coffee shop in an area, you should also pay attention. Maybe you are the first person to eat crabs. Maybe people in this area don't know anything about coffee and don't drink coffee at all. It is also a good thing to have a certain degree of competition.

Location Assessment:

For the right place to open a coffee shop, you can choose from the following locations:

Retail outlets, parks, conference centers, supermarkets, office buildings, bookstores, shopping centers, university campuses, airports, libraries, playgrounds, cinemas, art galleries, cafes, fast food restaurants.

It is also necessary to understand the permission requirements of the operating room in advance, including the operating area, the direction of the water, the number of faucets, garbage discharge facilities, food storage space, and so on. This should be consulted before you determine the address and decoration, otherwise when the health department comes to check, the price that does not meet the standard will be huge.

Cafes are easy to fall victim to the real estate bubble, so be especially cautious when the real estate agent strongly recommends the bottom merchant of a new market to you, and the condition that attracts you most with the low rent. Although rent accounts for most of your costs, you expect to get back on track as soon as possible after opening. Who doesn't want to make money? Thus it can be seen that the location should be chosen carefully and should not be taken advantage of for a while and become a rent slave employed by the landlord.

The location of the coffee shop is so important that it can almost determine the survival of the merchant. The selection of location mainly depends on the following elements: a, space; B, floor; C, other: in addition to space and floor, there are some other factors that will also affect the future operation of the store. For example, whether it is located at a dead corner, at a corner, whether there are pillars, and so on.

Before opening a store, it is best to do some "best location selection" work, one of the most important work is to measure and analyze the effective flow of people. The practice of a professional location company is to send employees to the target site with a stopwatch to measure the flow and make target inquiries, although it is difficult for ordinary investors to operate. However, it is necessary to do a general survey of the flow of people and necessary targeted inquiries near the site.

Generally speaking, good store locations have some common characteristics, such as:

(1) Urban central area

Such areas are generally commercial centers and downtown areas with frequent commercial activities and a good business atmosphere. Such a shop site is the so-called "land of every inch of land". For the coffee industry, the popularity of the central area of the city is updated very fast, if the flow of goods is slow, the speed and attractiveness of new products are not enough, it may be eliminated by market competition, which is the disadvantageous side of the shop in the central area of the city.

(2) High-density residential areas

The population of residential areas is relatively concentrated and the population density is relatively high. In such areas, there is confusion at the consumer level among people of all ages and social strata. As long as we do not sell shoddy products and outrageous prices, there will be a certain customer base.

(3) areas with convenient transportation

Convenient transportation is the first condition for consumers to shop. Generally speaking, if there is a bus stop near the store, or if the customer's walking time is 15 minutes, it is worth considering the location.

(4) tourist area