Coffee review

Ikawa Coffee team launched a home coffee roaster that makes it easy for you to bake at home.

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Abstract: the Ikawa Coffee team in London, England has launched a home coffee roaster that allows you to easily roast coffee beans at home and taste the freshest and most delicious coffee. The London-based Ikawa Coffee team has launched a home coffee roaster that allows you to easily roast coffee beans and taste the freshest and most delicious coffee at home. Open the match

Abstract: the Ikawa Coffee team in London, England has launched a home coffee roaster that allows you to easily roast coffee beans at home and taste the freshest and most delicious coffee.

The London-based Ikawa Coffee team has launched a home coffee roaster that allows you to easily roast coffee beans and taste the freshest and most delicious coffee at home.

Open the matching App, choose the roasting formula according to different types of coffee, pour in the green coffee beans (unbaked), press the button on the coffee machine, the fastest baking can be completed in 3 minutes, the longest takes 10 minutes. App shows that after the baking is complete, you need to remove the container full of coffee bean shell (the roaster has the function of automatic shelling coffee beans), replace it with another empty container to hold the roasted coffee beans, and finally toggle the switch under the button to roast the coffee beans to the extreme.

App contains a variety of professional roasting recipes for coffee beans. You can choose App's own or make your own formula to get different flavors of coffee beans by changing the baking temperature, time and airflow. Users can also share their recipes on social networks.

This coffee maker is moderate in size, about the size of an ordinary kettle, and you can put it in the kitchen or anywhere in your home. The quality is 4.3kg, and the material used is very good, which can guarantee your long-term use.

In order to meet the needs of customers in different regions of the world, IKAWA also offers three roasters: 220-240V, 110V-1120V or even 100V. At present, App only supports iOS and Android operating systems.

In addition, the Ikawa team is committed to establishing a coffee bean supply chain, purchasing coffee beans from popular coffee producers such as Burundi, Ethiopia, Brazil and Guatemala and then buying them directly to consumers.

The Ikawa team invests 10 per cent of its sales in coffee bean improvement projects to help farmers who grow coffee beans produce higher quality coffee beans with greater returns.

So far, the Ikawa team has achieved its crowdfunding goal. The Ikawa smart home coffee roaster costs 450 pounds (4380 yuan) on Kickstarter, and if all goes well, it is expected to ship in February 2016.