Coffee review

Ice drop apparatus ice drop coffee ice drop production

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Production process editing material ice drip filter; deep-cultured coffee powder, mineral water, ice cubes. In step 1, the special ice drop coffee beans are ground with a 2-3 scale grinder. 2 put the filter screen into the bottom of the extraction bottle. Pour the coffee powder into the extraction bottle and flatten the coffee powder. 4 place the extraction bottle on top of the collection bottle, and then place the drip plate on top of the extraction bottle. 5 prepare ice cubes and pass

Production process



Ice drip filter; deep-baked coffee powder, mineral water, ice cubes.

Production steps

1 special ice drop coffee beans, grind them with a 2-3 scale grinder. 2 put the filter screen into the bottom of the extraction bottle.

Pour the coffee powder into the extraction bottle and flatten the coffee powder.

4 place the extraction bottle on top of the collection bottle, and then place the drip plate on top of the extraction bottle.

5 prepare ice cubes and filtered pure water and pour into the water storage ball at the ratio of 1:1.

6 turn on the control switch to wet the surface of coffee powder evenly.

7 adjust throttle valve to about 40-60 drops per minute is the most suitable.

8. Finish production and enjoy.

Extraction secret

1 the ratio of coffee powder to ice water is about 12: 20, depending on your personal preference.

2 in order to increase the contact area between coffee powder and water, the grinding degree of coffee powder is better between siphon type and filter type.

3 because of the long extraction time, it is suitable to use deep-roasted coffee beans, high-grade pure coffee or ice drop special coffee beans.

4 the ice drop coffee is strong at first and then light, so it is necessary to wait for all the ice water to be dripped before drinking the best flavor.

One of the keys to the success or failure of dripping coffee is the dripping speed, with a slow dripping rate of about seven drops in 10 seconds. Water and coffee powder are mixed for a long time, and the taste of coffee is saturated; if the filtration time is too fast, the taste is too light, and at the same time, it will cause stagnant water overflow, on the contrary, too slow will make the coffee ferment, produce sour taste and wine taste.