Coffee review

What skills do you need to make coffee by hand?

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, The thickness of ☆ coffee powder is about sugar thickness, and the thickness is more uniform. Hand-made coffee tutorial about bean grinder: it is suggested that friends who like drinking freshly ground coffee invest in a reliable bean grinder, whether electric or hand-operated, the quality of the product is much better than that of buying coffee powder and the price for household use is not very high. About hand pots: there are a variety of hand pots, different brands,

The thickness of ☆ coffee powder is about the thickness of sugar, and the thickness is uniform.

A course in making coffee by hand

On the bean grinder: it is suggested that friends who like to drink freshly ground coffee should invest in a reliable bean grinder, whether electric or hand-operated, the quality of the product is much better than that of buying coffee powder, and the price for household use is not very high.

About hand punch: there are many kinds of hand punch, and different brands, different materials, different styles and different prices are dazzling. It seems that it is not an easy task to choose a suitable hand punch among many hand punch pots. This requires everyone to do more homework to understand different hand punch pots. It is best to have a try in person to choose your own suitable "magic pot". Recommended here are Japanese brands KALITA, HARIO, Taguchi, Moon Rabbit, etc., of course, the price is also relatively high, domestic TIAMO, Zhengzheng line and other prices are relatively cheap, but I have said, as long as coffee is not deceptive, more is a penny, so we choose according to their own actual situation. Here we choose HARIO 1.2L stainless steel hand punch, which is also the most common hand punch in the international barista competition.

About sharing pot and filter cup: the choice of sharing pot and filter cup is also varied, the sharing pot is mostly made of transparent glass, it is easy to observe the amount of coffee, the filter cup is different, like a hand pot, we do not repeat, we choose our own choice, here we choose HARIO V6001 ceramic filter cup.

Operation steps: 1. Folding filter paper: take out a fan-shaped filter paper, one side of which is pressed by the machine, and its edge is thicker. (selection of filter paper: filter paper is divided into size types, according to the selected filter cup, bleached filter paper and raw pulp filter paper, bleached filter paper pulp taste is small, we choose bleached filter paper)

A course in making coffee by hand

Take out a fan-shaped filter paper, one side of which is pressed by the machine, and its edge is thicker. (selection of filter paper: filter paper is divided into size types, according to the selected filter cup, bleached filter paper and raw pulp filter paper, bleached filter paper pulp taste is small, we choose bleached filter paper)

A course in making coffee by hand

Fold the thickest side and flatten it.

A course in making coffee by hand


Open the filter paper to align the two center lines and press it gently. Do not press the two fan faces into a broken line! )