Coffee review

Famous Detective Conan theme Cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, According to Japanese media reports, the 2016 Conan Cafe with the theme of "Detective Conan" opened in Nagoya on April 1 and will be opened one after another in Hiroshima, Tokyo, Osaka, Yamagata, Fukuoka and other places. This year's menu features several delicacies recommended by the author of Detective Conan, Tsuyoshi Aoyama. The cafe will provide memories of the protagonists Shinichi Kudo (Conan Edogawa) and Xiaolan

According to Japanese media reports, the "2016 Conan Cafe" with the theme of "Detective Conan" opened in Nagoya on April 1 and will be opened one after another in Hiroshima, Tokyo, Osaka, Yamagata, Fukuoka and other places.

This year's menu features several delicacies recommended by the author of Detective Conan, Tsuyoshi Aoyama. The cafe will provide the memories of the protagonists Kudo Shinichi (Conan Edogawa) and Xiaolan-the spaghetti with scallops and clams at the Mihua Aquarium, as well as the special roasted eel covered rice that Yuan too loves. Regular dishes such as Naples spaghetti from last year's acclaimed "Polo Cafe" will also be on the stage again.

The dessert menu includes a new favorite handmade lemon pie and a capsule that makes Shinichi smaller-APTX4869-shaped finger puffs.