Coffee review

How to control the roasting degree of coffee beans

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Coffee beans are roasted well, and the brewing method is also very important. Espresso is ideal for heavy-flavored deep-roasted coffee beans. It is made by pouring hot water into finely ground coffee beans and boiled under fine ground coffee and pressure rather than gravity. High pressure will completely emulsify the lipids inside the coffee and dissolve it into water, which is the main source of mellow flavor. At the same time, emulsification will make the coffee concentrate.

Coffee beans are roasted well, and the brewing method is also very important. Espresso is ideal for heavy-flavored deep-roasted coffee beans. It is made by pouring hot water into finely ground coffee beans and boiled under fine ground coffee and pressure rather than gravity. High pressure will completely emulsify the lipids inside the coffee and dissolve it into water, which is the main source of mellow flavor. At the same time, emulsification will make espresso taste thicker, making people drink like velvet, and stickiness will form a lower surface tension, which can invade the taste buds and make mellow reverberate in the mouth. If you want to taste the taste of espresso, it's best to try a rich vanilla latte with espresso as the core.

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Coffee beans

Coffee bean atlas

Choose fresh coffee beans. When buying, pay attention to whether the color of the beans and the size of the particles are the same. Good coffee beans are shiny and have a strong aroma without being mixed with peculiar smell. No matter what kind of coffee beans, freshness is an important factor affecting the quality. When shopping, grab one or two coffee beans in your mouth and chew them with a crisp sound (indicating that the coffee is not damp) and the fragrance of the teeth and cheeks is the top grade, but it is best to squeeze it with your hands to feel whether it is solid, rather than buying crispy coffee. If the coffee bean has lost its fragrance or smells stale, it means that the coffee bean is no longer fresh and is not suitable for purchase