Coffee review

A coffee shop as warm as home

Published: 2024-06-02 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/02, If I told you that there is an ordinary cafe in Liwan District, you would know that it is Caffe Amore Coffee Cake House, Open hours: 09Caffe Amore Coffee Cake House 20: 00 Monday Public Holiday address: 16Longqing Lane, Zhongshan Seven Road, Liwan District Tel: 15902081091 Caffe Amore Coffee Cake House is hidden in a small

If I told you that there was a "home" cafe in Liwan District, you would know it.

Coffee Love Caffe Amore Coffee Cake House

Coffee Love Caffe Amore Coffee Cake House

Business hours: 09: 00: 00: 00: 00 Monday closed

Add: no. 16, Longqing lane, Zhongshan seventh road, Liwan district 102

Contact: 15902081091

Caffe Amore Coffee Cake House is hidden behind a gazebo in a residential area, where many old people and children enjoy cool and activities, with a yellow bike and several potted plants in front of the store. The first time I walked into Caffee Amore, I felt warm. Michael said hello to us and began to make coffee seriously. there were a lot of interesting photos and smiling faces on the wall. The storefront is small, open from 9 o'clock in the morning to 8 o'clock in the evening, closed on Monday.

On Friday afternoon, there won't be many customers. There are a mother and daughter, a girl sitting at the bar and a coffee lover standing at the bar chatting with the shopkeeper. Crystal (the hostess) told us that if we came on weekends, we might not have time to take care of us. Friends who follow the coffee salon may know that this store is also on the map list of Guangzhou Cafe.

Compared with other cafes, caffe Amore gives another feeling, like the kitchen at home, simple, warm and cordial. The photos on the wall and the blackboard menu have the smell of home. Caffe Amore is a husband and wife partner, giving people a sense of simplicity and warmth.

Michael recommended that the first cup is light baked mantenin, so that we all nod and say hello to those who don't like manning. It is learned that the coffee beans of Caffe Amore are mainly from Taiwan's Taster's coffee.

The second cup is Costa Rica black honey, thick sweetness in the mouth, sweet and long.

(English cups are also one of the shopkeepers' favorite collections.)

The coffee road has no end to learning. whenever the shopkeeper and his wife have time, they will go out to study. If they stay in the same place all the time, they will be suffocated, and they will go to Taiwan at the last stop.

Crystal said that he likes the Japanese style very much and is willing to spend several years studying the roasting and flavor of a type of coffee beans. Their attention to coffee is worth learning.

Local people and customs will affect their favorite coffee flavor, like Fuzhou people, they like strong coffee, but Guangzhou people can not, Guangzhou likes a little lighter, more flavor, Caffe Amore insists on providing friends with a cup of suitable for them, suitable for Guangzhou people and customs.

(the shopkeeper and his wife take a group photo with their friends)

Not only coffee, caffeAmore cheesecake is the most unforgettable, they promote pastry, healthy, low sugar.

Pastry studied in Hong Kong for a period of time and continued to study by itself after coming back. Now the shop focuses on cheesecake, in order to ensure that the taste of the cake is mellow, careful Crystal only selects good quality ingredients, fruit is only used in the season.

On that day, we tried a style called "jalapeno cheese" (I believe many curious babies will try it because of their name, and believe me, the taste is also very curious). But after tasting the aftertaste, I slowly feel the aroma of eating chili peppers.

We tasted highly acclaimed frozen blueberry cheese. Blueberries are wild blueberries purchased in Hong Kong, with blueberries in the middle, which taste light and not greasy.

His family does not have a signature cake, because they are all signboards, because they are very particular about the ingredients, all hand-made, each of which has been carefully studied, and the daily cake production depends on the ingredients or mood.

Caffe Amore makes me feel like a family. Like many Wenqing, they have a dream: to open only one coffee shop for as long as possible, and then make the coffee drinkers feel at home.

Every guest who can enter the store is predestined. I hope everyone loves coffee, dessert or life. We can interact more, communicate and share more.