Coffee review

Guangzhou Xiaohe Coffee-Lotus cafe

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, Lotus cafe Xiaohe Coffee, No. 3, Tianhe Road, Liuyun second Street, Tianhe District, Guangzhou City, opening hours: 13:00-02:00 Tel: 020-87531859 Weibo: Xiaohe Coffee Xiaohe, is a coffee shop, not big, in the old house in Guangzhou, located in the downtown center but quiet. Xiao he is also my name, an idealistic and perfectionist Pisces. Yes

Small Lotus Coffee Lotus cafe

No. 3, Liuyun second street, Tianhe road, Tianhe district, Guangzhou 102

Opening hours: 13:00-02:00

Tel: 020-87531859

Weibo: Xiaohe Coffee

Xiaohe, is a coffee shop, not big, in the old house in Guangzhou, located in the downtown center but quiet. Xiao he is also my name, an idealistic and perfectionist Pisces.

Forgive me for my love of coffee. I firmly believe that the really deep emotion cannot be clearly expressed in words. Therefore, I place this love on "Xiao he". I love to travel, looking for a different scenery in the world when I leave. I love the piano, playing moving melodies among the black and white keys, and the tranquil green, which is also the color of the moonlit night in the lotus pond. So in the quiet green space of "Xiao he", there are my beloved piano, small things from traveling everywhere, fine red wine and a lot of books. Every business hour, the strong aroma of coffee will give these things a richer soul, along with Lisa Ono and Norah Jones, slowly infect every guest who pushes the door, but also infects myself.

Some people say that coffee shops, like love, need to be managed with heart. But it is not so much business as growth. Since 2006, Xiaohe Coffee has been integrated with me for more than 8 years. Over the years, "Xiao he" and I grew up together, she is like my best friend, my child, my dream. I also wanted to write down the stories that happened in Xiaohe one by one, some insipid, some wonderful, and some unforgettable. Friends and guests are the protagonists of each issue, but they are not written after all. In fact, there is nothing new under the sun. Like Xiaohe, there are all kinds of stories in every coffee shop and every day. The past is certainly worth remembering, but the unknown is the most beautiful. Who will be the protagonist of the next story?