Coffee review

Boquette green green raw bean Villa Donica Manor boutique coffee

Published: 2024-06-03 Author: World Gafei
Last Updated: 2024/06/03, 1. A variety of fine coffee. It is better to use Arabica inherent variety Tibica or bourbon variety. two。 Is the altitude, topography, climate, soil and refinement of the cultivated land or farm clear? Generally speaking, the coffee with high altitude is of higher quality, and the fertile volcanic soil is the best. 3. The harvesting method and refining method are adopted. Generally speaking, manual harvesting method and washing essence are adopted.

1. A variety of fine coffee. It is better to use Arabica inherent variety Tibica or bourbon variety.

two。 Is the altitude, topography, climate, soil and refinement of the cultivated land or farm clear? Generally speaking, the coffee with high altitude is of higher quality, and the fertile volcanic soil is the best.

3. The harvesting method and refining method are adopted. Generally speaking, it is better to adopt manual harvesting method and water washing refining method.

Villa Donica Manor

Boquet green green raw beans, high moisture content, beans are soft beans, so good heat transmission, so there is no need to worry about uneven baking, aroma and taste are excellent, smooth taste, dark chocolate, nutty aroma, high alcohol thickness, low acidity, long-lasting.

[country of origin]: Panama

[producing area]: Boquete

[altitude]: 1550-1700 m

[manor]: Villa Donica Manor

[treatment]: Wet-Process Style washing

[grade]: SHB

[size]: more than 17 mesh

[variety]: Kaduai

[climate]: rainy season May-December, dry season January-April

[soil]: volcanic soil

[recommended baking degree]: moderate (CITY+ ~ FULL CITY)